Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden 

Briony Zagame 

Weekly Report from the Cracking Carrots 

This week in SAKG we made baked ricotta and silverbeet gnocchi with lemon and rhubarb muffins. Most of the people voted for the muffins but both were a success.


From the garden, we got:

  • Parsley
  • Mint
  • Silver beet
  • Lemon
  • Rhubarb - Thank you to the Holmes-Brown Family for bring in some from your garden!

Our group, the Cracking Carrots made the passata sauce for the gnocchi, the onion and garlic smelt delicious while being cooked, but the onion made people cry when being cut.

Gnocchi was made by the 'Go Bananas' and the muffins were made by the Chunky Avocados. A big thank you to Rachel and Kate for coming in to assist. 


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