Classroom News

Foundation and Year 1
The Foundation and Year 1 students have been exploring the concept of being Stewards of Creation during their Religion lessons. Through engaging activities, stories, and discussions, the young learners are discovering the importance of caring for the world around them, recognising it as a gift from God. Part of their learning includes practical actions, such as picking up rubbish in the school yard, to show respect and responsibility for the environment.
Year 2/3
Hello Families,
We wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all the donations brought in for the up-coming raffle. So many children from our class generously donated goods and this is much appreciated. As I am sure many of you know we use little white boards in our class as one tool to display learning taking place. We have introduced, as a whole school, a cueing system for using the little whiteboards cues such as: “Chin it”, “Bin it”, “Park it”, “Cap it” and “Hover it” are a part of this system. Here are some photos of the children enjoying this active way to demonstrate learning. They are all doing such a FANTASTIC JOB at following the system. As always, have a lovely weekend. I think it will be a hot one!
Year 3/4
Dear Bob
My name is Raffaela and I am a student in Primary School learning about the environment. Our planet and animals are not safe because people are littering and causing harm to the animals. I think we should do something about this. People should not litter and use the bins provided for their rubbish.
Bye Raffaela.
Dinosaurs by Arvin
Do not come back from extinction
In Jurassic Park
No way do I want to get caught
On land and some fly in the sky
Stay quiet
At all times …. HIDE!!
Undoing everything
Super sharp teeth that would turn me into a smoothie in two secs.
Dear Dad
We are learning about the environment in class and I want to try to help it at home. We can get food scraps and put them in the garden bed. We can recycle glass and paper into the recycling bins and keep the environment safe and healthy.
From Austin
Pandas By Lawrence and Katalina
Look Like. Pandas are black and white. They have black patches of fur, black ears and black legs. Also their body is white.
Diet. Panda would usually eat bamboo and fruit but they also eat meat when it is close to them.
Habitat. Pandas live in central China and some mountains of China. The forests Pandas live in is a temperate forest with lots of bamboo.
Life Cycle. First a newborn stays with the mother and feeds off her. Then xxx opens their eyes and starts walking. Juvenile pandas leave their mother to have their own life. Then it becomes an Adult.
Conclusion. Panda are endangered because of deforestation and there are less than 2000 in the wild.
Tyrannosaurus Rex by Viraj
Too big and giant for its very small arms
You have no mercy for us, we
Run away from you!!
Another way to die is by being slayed by these guys. There is
No way I will come near you
OMG! Get out of my way!
Super sharp teeth so I'd be a smoothie in two seconds
At all times … GET OUT OF THEIR WAY!!
Unknown stuff about you has to be discovered
Remember Don’t Go Near Them
Undoing you will be a catastrophe!
So that’s about it for the T Rex … for now.
Inquiry / Mother Earth. By Eva and Chloe
In inquiry we are learning about sustainability and how to protect the earth. Sustain means keeping it going for a long time. Ability is that you are able to do something. So sustainability means being able to keep our world going for a long time. A lot of creatures are dying because of pollution, so Let’s Save the World and Stop this!
Magic Monday’s by Amy
On Magic Monday, I was in the gardening group. We planted potatoes, lettuce and mint. We also have to take out the weeks from the dirt. We also water the other plants in the shelter after lunch.
Year 4 / 5
Over the past two weeks, the students in grade 4/5 and 5/6 have been working on a fun unit about traveling to Italy, where they created their own "passaporti" in Italian. This project has helped them learn important travel vocabulary, such as greetings, countries, nationalities, and simple questions they might use while traveling. As they designed their passports, students practiced introducing themselves, talking about where they’re from, and using helpful phrases in Italian.
Year 5 / 6
2025 Buddy Program
Our last Foundation 25 Transition sessions occurred this week and everything went swimmingly well, due mainly to the brilliant support and leadership of some fantastic Year 5 students; Roman, Ali, Maxie, Isabella, Lauren and Allie.
Writer's Notebook
Morning mist rises,
Birds greet the dawn with their song,
The world wakes in peace.
Rain taps on the leaves,
rhythms only nature knows,
Puddles form and gleam.
Snowflakes fall silent,
Blanketing the earth below,
Winter breathes its chill.
by Yianna
By Keefe
Mangroves are a species of tree that grow in tropical and subtropical areas near the equator. They are mostly known for how they grow in water, digging their roots deep into the mud,and using them as stilts.
Unknown by idle minds, Mangroves are actually more beneficial than trees. They exchange more carbon-dioxide for oxygen, help provide flood protection, and significantly reduce the impact of hurricanes.
They also are inhabited by many endangered animals, such as the fishing cat and the Benegal tiger. Even the smallest sloth (which is critically endangered) in the world! Resides in mangrove forests.
Unfortunately, over the last 40 years, 20% of mangroves have vanished due to human activities and natural causes. Question is “What can we do?”.
Tales from the Camp
On camp, we were pretty nervous before we went to the campsite.
When we arrived, we felt really confident. A guy named William told us all the rules of the campsite - HEHE Lauren and Tiffany
At camp, we did a bunch of activities and saw some great views. Some of our favourites where Hut building and Clip and climb. In hut building we used branches and tree trunks. The clip and climb was super fun! We had to put our harnesses on and clipped in to climb. My (Jacob) favourite one was the Bridge. The hardest one for sure was the chains it was very shaky and hard to do. - Bhavin & Jacob
During the period of camp, we had a fun time with our friends and teachers. The most challenging activity was the 'Leap Of Faith'. [Allie] When I looked down from the top of the ledge , I was terrified. But when I jumped, I felt relieved. [ Onella] I was over terrified and had gone crazy. Everyone encouraged me to go up so I did. When I reached the top I was shaking and started to tear up a bit. But it was worth it because I finally made the leap of faith! - Onella and Allie
At camp, There were so many activities like zipline, clip and climb, leap of faith, giant swing and so much more! Some were a bit scarry but it was good to see so many people supporting you any seeing your friends be happy to! - Yianna and Harper
This week, we had camp. We had lots of fun and it was an amazing experience. On Thursday, we went with William to do Zipline, the Leap of Faith and The Giant Swing. At first everyone was scared but when William talked through and showed everyone what to do, everybody figured it wasn't as bad as they thought. After every session, we learnt lessons to do with the activity. For example, When doing the Leap of Faith, we learnt about trust! We love Camp and we're so excited to go next year!
Stephanie and Aleisha
Camp may seem like a scary thing to do without your parents, but we had SO much fun without them (please don't tell them). This camp was more about facing you fears, and the challenge that we found the most terrifying was the Leap of Faith. The Leap of Faith was so tall, and everyone expects you to have a Leap of Faith!(hence the name) It was mostly about trust. When you climb, the rope connected to you is controlled by your group! Yes, 10-12 year olds. Ishe went first. He leaped, and he then was dangling like a ragdoll! He was left there in the dust because he was a volunteer. We also went on a calm morning stroll at about 6:30am. There, we saw wallabies and Kangaroos. The nights was chaotic! Especially 3:26am. (Talk to Marty) I'm pretty sure that EVERYONE was awake! The boys were definitely roaming around bonkers doing who knows what, and the girls were also doing who knows what! Even the teachers were yapping at 11pm! ( Marty, Marie and Mark's 'Yeah Yeah Yeah')
Isabella & Katelin
For our first activity, we went on dual zipline. William made us choose partners for some odd reason and then explained that we would be doing two different mini-activities to get prizes. The two mini-activities were throwing a ball through a narrow tree marked with a green smiley-face, or passing the ball to your partner the most amount of times. Whoever did any of these correctly would get a prize. The experience was really exhilarating and we definitely had a great time. -Keefe, Ishe and Alex
Our last camp was a fantastic experience our favourite experience was the dual zipline Fortunato - I expressed my happiness in the form of the dual zipline
Connor-I enjoyed the zipline because I stepped out of my comfort zone heights wise
Izaac - I really enjoyed the dual zipline because being on ziplines is my specialty
Camp was an amazing experience, we conquered our fears and learnt new ways how to survive in the wild by building huts from sticks, leaves and barks. Camp was good and very interesting. Camp was a new experience that we will never forget. Camp was fun and we learnt new things, it was scary sometimes too. The food was really good and tasty. We want to thank Leo for the food and William for all the activities and for helping us overcome our fears. It was a really great first time at camp. Roman, Maxie, Ali and Mohammad
Camp was so fun, we had a ton of activities, one of the activities was 'Clip n Climb'. Clip n Climb was like an obstacle course about 4 metres high. So by the name we had to clip on to a harness and walk on the obstacles, it was extremely fun, the sad part was when William said 30 more seconds. We also watched a movie called the Christmas Project, we also had a ton of midnight snacks. over all it was fantastic. We hope to do this next year as well.
Veer and Glendon