Wellbeing Zone
Enter the Wellbeing Zone
Welcome to the Wellbeing Zone. When you enter the zone, you will find a wealth of information about all the things happening in the Wellbeing space at Sunshine Heights PS as well as strategies, articles, book recommendations and events that will help build our dream and culture of Wellbeing throughout our school community, inside and outside of school, so that we can sail together through a universe of possibilities with all the emotional and social skills we need to thrive
Allied Health Team Update
Please read below to find out more about our Allied Health services.
Happy Space Literacy Support
Happy Space are offering literacy support on Saturdays. These are group sessions at a cost of $40 per participant with a maximum of 4 participants per group.
New Telephone Translation Service
We’re excited to announce our new phone translation services to help non-English speaking and EAL families. If you need translation, you can follow these steps:
Step 1: Call (03) 7039 9021
Step 2: Choose your language:
- For Mandarin, press 1
- For Cantonese, press 2
- For Vietnamese, press 3
- For Arabic, press 4
- For Persian, press 5
- For all other languages, press 6
Step 3: You will be linked with a translator and connected to the school.
EMAIL - wellbeingandinclusion@sunshineheightsps.vic.edu.au
PHONE - 8311 7100