School Council Update

Dear families and friends,
I write with a final update from CHPS Council for 2024. Council are pleased to report that our voluntary school contributions for 2024 reached 72%, which was better than predicted (65%), but still significantly less than our pre-COVID times (92%). As the year draws to a close, you will have received information about making 2025 school contributions, and we thank families in advance for their continued support of the valuable educational offerings that the school work hard to provide. Contributions can be made via Compass and in instalments by arrangement.
Council were extremely concerned and disappointed to have received several complaints from our community regarding poor driver behaviour in and around the school at pick-up and drop-off times. I refer specifically to those driving into Page St from both Wellington Street and Page Street, where turning is very difficult, particularly with cyclists and children crossing through the grid-locked traffic. Council strongly urge families not to drive into Page Street, and again encourage those within walking distance to consider walking or riding to school, and those that are not located so closely, to park a little further away and walk the last few hundred meters. Yarra Council have dedicated websites to sustainable options for getting to school ( There’s also an opportunity for those in our community to create a “walking school bus” with other families in your street. It is a great way to get to know other parents and share the responsibility of getting your students to school safely.
School Council is actively engaging with the Yarra City Council and Megan Smith and Megan Considine recently met with Councillor Sarah McKenzie. The Yarra City Council will be monitoring the area at busy times for poor driver behaviour. This includes parking in dedicated disabled spaces without a permit to do so, parking across drive ways and letting children out of cars in non-designated parking spaces. With several recent tragedies involving children and vehicles around Victorian schools, this is a timely reminder that we all need to work harder as a community to avoid these preventable incidents.
The School Council are preparing a petition for Councillor McKenzie to table at the council meeting, seeking improvements in crossing facilities for our families and road/parking design solutions to minimise risk to our students. We will keep you informed on how to sign the petition.
On a positive note, Council would like to extend our gratitude to all those involved in making out 2024 fair another huge success, THANK YOU! The total fundraised was $93,000 - a phenomenal result especially with the weather conditions experienced. Council committed to spend this money on further improvements to classrooms, MPR audio capabilities and/or security cameras. Thank you to Claire Sandow and Victoria Keogh, our fair coordinators for the past three years. Along with their team, they have created a playful and dynamic fair for our children to enjoy. They are stepping down from the position, so please reach out if this is something you could help out with.
Finally, there will be an opportunity to celebrate the end of another school year with a picnic in the Darling Gardens, 4-6 pm on Dec 11. For those interested in kicking on, Yarra Council host a free, “Carols in the Park” event from 6-9 pm (this year in the nearby Edinburgh Gardens). This family friendly event features special guests Casey Bennetto and band and performances by local school and community choirs. There will also be an appearance from Santa, along with food and drink stalls.
Wishing you all a relaxing break.
Bryony Nayagam
School Council President