French News 

Chères familles,


Partons à la découverte de la ferme !

This Monday, our students went to Collingwood Children’s Farm and explored different animals and plants. Andrew, our guide introduced the farm animals in French; cow (vache), horse (cheval), goat (chèvre), guinea pig (cochon d’inde), chicken (poulet), sheep (mouton) and there was a peacock (paon) too. 


Students enjoyed the animal experience as well as the community farm garden. We were very fortunate to have such beautiful weather too. Our inquiry unit incorporates sustainability and complemented our visit to the farm through sustainable practices. The farm helped students understand that waste is an important part of the sustainable farming. The staff at Collingwood Children’s Farm explained that this process needs to be carefully planned and designed in order for it to be successful. The students have done a wonderful job!


We started our new story “le petit chat cherche une famille” (the little cat is looking for a family) and we summarised it with “QQMAD” (SWBST) strategy. Students have also commenced learning some of the vocabulary and actions to retell the story.


In maths, we started a unit called “les statistiques et la probabilité” (statistics and probability) and learnt questions to ask one another: Aimes-tu…? (Do you like…). Students collected answers and then shared them with their class. Afterwards, students calculated the total of each response and explained their findings.

       Merci et bon week-end !


-Rebecca, Lucy, Elodie et Lorna.