Classroom News - Year 1

Mrs Flynn and Mrs Suluma

Welcome back to Term 3!


In English, we are reviewing words with the bossy 'e' and remembering that it makes the vowel sound long. Please continue to revise tricky words sets 1-8 at home.


In Maths, we worked with time. Year 1 looked at both analog and digital clocks. We learned how to record both times to the hour and half hour. We are currently learning about Whole Numbers and how to count a large number of objects by grouping them into tens and ones.


In Religion, we are familiarising ourselves with the Bible by sharing parables and stories. In Science, we are learning about 'Earth and Space'. Year 1 studied the Patterns of the Sun and are now learning about the Changing Landscape. Currently, for PE we are doing gymnastics at the Armidale gymnastics center.


We would like to thank families who supplied treats which made our farewell for Mrs Flynn quite special. We wish Mrs Flynn all the best for the future and we are grateful to have Mrs Bible working with us.

Celebration of our hard work