P&F Association News

We have been able to organise some more details of the trivia night on the 14th of August. Please get your tables of 10 together. If you don’t have a full table but would like to attend please let us know and we will get some extras for you.  We are providing the nibbles it will be buy your own drinks from the venue. Free entry prizes. Lucky door prize. Other prizes on the night for winners. We are really trying to make this a really fun night. Hoping to raise the school spirit. Please support us and your school. Unfortunately because of Covid the bowling club has had to cap our numbers at 110! So be quick! First in first served! Watch out on compass and the newsletters for more information.


Next P&F meeting will be on the 28th July, we will confirm venue. Either the school staff room or via Zoom! Please come along. We would love your input! 


Remember save the date trivia night the 14th August. Doors open at 7pm and Trivia starts at 7.30pm!