Classroom News - Year 5

Mrs Fittler and  Mr Lester  

                  Parent/Teacher Meetings

Thank you to those parents who were able to join us in the zoom Parent/Teacher meetings this week. It has been wonderful to talk with you all and to share our insights about your child's progress this year. 


In Year 5 we have been looking at informative texts. Students wrote some excellent factual texts on an animal of their choice. For their Big Write this week, students are writing an informative text on a town or city of their choice in Western Australia or the Northern Territory. Thank you to all the parents that are going through the talk homework with their child. This is extremely helpful and students are coming on the Big Write days with some wonderful ideas.  In Reading, students are studying the biography "Jandamarra".


           Mathematics, Science and Technology

In Mathematics, students are working hard on the unit, "Guess What?" that is estimating and rounding in a variety of mathematical situations.  In Science we are working through our 'Material World' PBL. Students have been participating in a variety of experiments related to the use of different materials. We are also learning about Sustainability and an Eco Friendly world. We will be completing our create task in a couple of weeks where the students will be drawing a design of a sustainable playground.


In Religion we are continuing to learn about the history of the Catholic Church in Australia.


Year 5 have been enjoying gymnastics on a Wednesday morning and will continue until Week 4.