Classroom News - Year 3

Miss Archibald, Mrs Reinke & Mrs Cain

Welcome back to Term 3!


We have made a great start to the new term, with all Year 3 students showing resilience and adaptability, making their new (and not so new) teachers feel welcome. Could you please check with your child to see if they need anything restocked from their pencil cases? We have had a number of children who don't have glue sticks, scissors etc. 



Last Thursday, Year 3 commenced their Gymnastics lessons, which will occur until the end of Week 4. The children had a fabulous time developing skills in static balances on the floor and beam, using the bars and other gymnastics apparatus. Don't forget to send your child in their house coloured sports uniform on Thursdays during Weeks 1-4, and their yellow and blue PE uniform on Fridays.




In English this term, students are undertaking a novel study of Charlotte's Web. The students have been analysing the characters of the story, using events from the text to plan and compose a persuasive letter to save one of the favourite characters, Wilbur. We will also be writing and presenting speeches as part of the upcoming St Joseph's Cup public speaking competition.




In Religion this term, the students are learning all about the special Sacrament of Reconciliation. The children have been exploring the story of the Prodigal Son, reflecting upon the act of saying sorry and forgiving one another. They have been learning about the steps involved in making their Reconciliation in the Church, and have written their own sorry prayers to ask God for forgiveness.