Year 7 

Holidays are just around the corner….

I am pleased to say that the Year 7 students are adhering to college expectations i.e. not moving to lockers during class time, being organised prior to lessons starting, toilet breaks during recess and lunchtime and no mobile phone use during school hours. Students are reminded to continue to have respect for the College, their classroom, teachers and their peers.


If parents are picking up their daughters prior to dismissal, it is essential that this is communicated via the planner by the parent and shown to the Homeroom teacher during morning Homeroom so it can be recorded on the Roll. Parents are advised not to communicate with their daughter via phone during school time as students are not permitted to use phones during school time and teachers will not allow students to leave classes unless they have written permission. Announcements are not made during class time except in the case of an emergency.



Year 7 and 8 students were involved in a program on Wednesday 3 April, developed and facilitated by ARC Vic. The program aims to focus on:

  • Understanding anxiety
  • Exploring how individuals experience anxiety differently
  • Identifying  the  links between body, mind and behaviour
  • Challenging unhelpful ways of thinking
  • Adopting a problem-solving approach
  • Ways to build resilience
  • Increasing assertiveness

We hope to raise awareness and develop skills to enhance students’ growth and resilience as they navigate their way through the challenges of adolescence.


Friendships and Social Development

Friends help make the transition from primary to secondary school easier. Friends are people to whom your child can talk, share things with, confide in and sometimes argue with. Remember, conflict is a normal part of growing up. Conflict is not necessarily bullying, even though it may be upsetting and need resolution.


Parents and friends play different roles in the lives of children. You influence your child’s long-term decisions to do with values and morals. Your child’s friends are more likely to influence short-term choices, such as the way they dress and their interests. Strong relationships with you and your child’s friends help your child grow into a well-adjusted adult with strong social skills.


Friendships in Year 7 will tend to be based on sharing similar interests, acceptance and sharing. Friendships need time, attention and trust if they are to survive. Students will be encouraged to develop their active listening and to use open-ended questions more frequently. Sometimes friends do things that upset us. This does not mean the friendship has to end. Understanding that everyone makes mistakes is an important lesson to learn.



The YOU CAN SIT WITH ME Program will be introduced in Year 7 to emphasise the importance of inclusion and acceptance.


Students will be asked to sign a contract if they are willing to be a YOU CAN SIT WITH ME monitor for the week. Homeroom teachers and the Level Leader will then select two students per homeroom on a fortnightly basis. We feel it is important that students understand that if they wear a YOU CAN SIT WITH ME wristband it is a commitment.


Students will be asked to think carefully prior to signing a contract. They need to consider the following points prior to wearing the wristband:

  • Am I having a good day today? Do I feel strong enough to help others?
  • Am I happy for any Year 7 student to sit with me today?
  • Am I too busy today to help other people because I have activities on at recess and lunchtime?

Please Note: Students can hand their wristband in for the day if perhaps they are on an excursion or busy. They can then come and collect it the following day.


Big Sister, Little Sister (BSLS)


Year 7 students met with their 'Big Sisters' on Tuesday and created a Vision/Goal Board together. They discussed their own visions and the the wider vision they had for the Kilbreda community. Next term’s BSLS focus theme will be Friendships and Effective Communication.


Firefly Awards

Morning Assembly was held on Friday to congratulate the girls on a wonderful term full of new and exciting learning opportunities. It has been a pleasure to watch each student grow in all areas of development.


As mentioned in the previous newsletter, each term a student from each Homeroom will be awarded with a Firefly Award. These awards are given for displays of empathy, challenge, acceptance etc.


The Firefly Award Recipients for  Term 1 are:

Room 70 - Amal Tawfeek 

For helping members of her Homeroom feel safe and included.

Room 71 - Jessica Light

For being encouraging and accepting of all members of her Homeroom and in actively supporting her peers

Room 72 - Katia Romero

For encouraging and accepting students into her friendship group during transition.

Room 73 - Starlett McCann

For accepting challenges maturely and overcoming them with perseverance and determination.

Room 74 - Abigail Price

For always being grateful for opportunities during transition; for her positivity and her constant smile.

Room 75 - Isla Teleky

For her positivity and encouragement to all the members of her homeroom.

Room 76 - Kiara Sly

For her determination and perseverance. She has approached all opportunities during transition with an openne