Principal's Update

Once again the College has been a vibrant place of learning this term both within the classroom and through the many co-curricular and community events. Students across the year levels have actively participated in and positively contributed to the life of the College. It is always a joy to see students extend themselves by taking on new challenges whether that be participating a new program or competition, speaking or performing in front of their peers or hosting visitors to the College.  It is through ‘stepping out of our comfort zone’ and extending ourselves that we learn and grow in character.


One of the many examples of this was the Active Travel to School Day last Friday.  This great initiative was one of five projects designed by the Kilbreda Active Youth Student Project Team aimed at encouraging active travel and increasing road safety for students.  The twenty-five students involved have worked collaboratively over the last twelve months or so to plan and deliver these projects with support from Kingston City Council.  Congratulations to the staff (Ms Grima & Mrs De Bruin) and students involved – you can all be very proud of your effort and achievements!


On Palm Sunday, April 14, the Walk for Justice for Refugees will be held. Events such as these are one way in which a clear message can be sent to our politicians that we want a fair society that welcomes refugees.  The #KidsOffNauru campaign resulted in nearly all children and their families being removed from Nauru; however, over 1000 people are still languishing on Nauru and Manus, most of whom have been processed and recognised as refugees.  We hope to see a large number of students, staff and family members walk together under the Kilbreda banner. The group will meet at 1.45pm on the steps of the State Library.


As our first term draws to a close we are grateful for the many blessings that have been bestowed upon our community so far this year. Students have embraced the many opportunities given to them and staff have been very generous in their time to support our students outside of the formal classroom.  We will conclude the term by gathering together tomorrow for our Easter Liturgy, which will highlight the acts of hospitality, our theme for the year, that are evident in the Stations of the Cross.


During this Lenten period we have been supporting Project Compassion, which is Caritas Australia's annual fundraising and awareness-raising appeal. Students and staff are actively engaged in raising funds for Caritas to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity.  We look forward to the ‘dares’ that will be fulfilled by staff as part of the ‘dare to donate’ fundraising initiative and thank all staff and students who have supported the appeal.


The Lenten period has long been associated with ‘fasting’ or ‘going without’. This prayer illustrates a different way of ‘fasting’, focusing on the way in which we act and treat others.


Fast from judging others, feast on the recognition that everyone is made in the image and likeness of our God.

Fast from emphasising differences, feast on the reality that we have our source of being in the One God.

Fast from words that ‘diminish others’, feast on words that ‘build up’ and ‘strengthen’ one another.

Fast from discontent, feast on gratitude.

Fast from ‘negative’ anger, feast on ‘positive’ patience.

Fast from pessimism, feast on optimism,

Fast from hostility, feast on non-resistance.

Fast from bitterness, feast on forgiveness.

Fast from concern about self, feast on compassion for others.

Fast from discouragements, feast on hope.

Fast from lethargy, feast on enthusiasm.

Fast from thoughts that weaken, feast on promises that inspire.

Fast from idle gossip, feast on purposeful silence.




With every blessing for the Easter Season to be a time of renewal, forgiveness and hope.

Nicole Mangelsdorf


We Pray For...

We ask for your prayers for members of our community and their families who have recently lost loved ones:


Karen Redpath

Mother of Stephanie, Lauren and Lucy 

(Past Pupils)


We pray that our loving God hold her gently in the palm of His hand.



With every blessing for the Easter Season to be a time of renewal, forgiveness and hope.

Nicole Mangelsdorf
