What's happening at CHPS


Please see the CHAPS News page for a few simple rules for tomorrow night's Disco, so that your children can enjoy a fun and safe night on the dance floor!

Library News

Golden Ticket Competition Update

There are now only two Golden Tickets left. Our fourth winner was Hailey R from JEC who borrowed the book ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’.

Congratulations to our winners so far and good luck to the rest of our students.

Sue Offer  -  Library Technician 


It has been a wet and muddy week, with record numbers of students needing changes of clothes after outdoor mishaps.  If you child was part of the wet-and-muddy brigade, please return washed, school-provided clothing as soon as possible so we can continue to hand out changes when needed.

Luther Crossing Unsupervised Tomorrow

Parents, please be aware that the flag-operated crossing on Plymouth Rd, outside Luther College, will not be supervised tomorrow - Friday August 16th - as Luther has a pupil-free day.

If your child regularly uses this crossing, please encourage them to cross at the light-operated crossing at Good Shepherd.