Year 7 - 8

Year 7 Welcome BBQ and Music Information Night
It was a great turn out to our annual Year 7 BBQ and Music Information Night. As a result of this evening, 38 students have signed up to our wonderful Music Programme. This is over half of our Year 7 students taking advantage of this wonderful opportunity.
Twenty-five students have joined the Junior Band with seven guitarists and six vocalists. We thank Future Music Australia for continuing to support our Music Programme and their representative, Simon, who travelled from Melbourne to provide information about instrument acquisition.
We look forward to the Junior Concert Band putting on their first performance in Term Two.
Junior Band
Our Junior Band are in full rehearsals. It is wonderful to see their enthusiasm and participation in our fantastic music program.
Cyber Safety
On Tuesday 26th and Thursday 28th of February, we had Surrey Hunter of Victoria Police visit our school to conduct class sessions on Cyber Safety with our Year 7 and 8 students. He covered topics such as the dangers associated with posting personal details online and the importance of knowing who your ‘friends’ are on social media sites. Hunter touched on the effect the cyberbullying has on young people and it’s damaging effects. He also covered the laws associated with sexting and child pornography.
Surrey is a great asset to our school he conducts these session with each year level, each year and gives the information and knowledge required for students to make smart choices online.