
Why every day counts!
When students stay away from school, their learning and friendships are affected. There are many practical issues associated with absenteeism.
Students who are absent from school:
- miss the introduction of new work
- fail to complete work
- miss revision time
- miss homework explanation
- fall behind with their learning
- develop disjointed home-reading routines
- develop inconsistent homework returns/routines
- may lack confidence and feel embarrassed because they cannot do work the class has been studying
- feel left out from class discussion when they have missed a special class activity and cannot do the associated work
- miss specialist lessons because these lessons only occur once a week and so, for example, art work is not completed or is rushed in order to finish in the limited time available
- miss notices and newsletters to take home
- miss celebrations, for example student of the week, class awards, excursions, visitors, assemblies and special activities
- can find it difficult to break into established friendship groups and develop good friendships with their peers
- can develop a poor attitude towards school believing ‘I won’t miss much if I’m not at school'
- fail to realise that the teachers and students miss them.
Sometimes students stay at home for reasons that are not acceptable. For example:
- the child’s birthday
- too tired to come to school because of a late night
- staying home with a sibling or parent who is sick
- staying away for the whole day when an appointment is booked for a short time in the morning or afternoon
- weather conditions, for example too hot, too wet.
Please remember that if you are experiencing difficulty in having your child attend school, discuss the matter with your child’s teacher.