Interview with Beth Lawrence

Interview with Mrs Beth Lawrence - 3C


How long have you worked at BNPS? 

I've been a teacher here for 7 years.


Who  inspires you?  

My dad inspires me. He is always learning new things even though he is 81! He is funny, kind and clever and somehow knows how to fix just about anything! He is amazing - would you believe he still rides his road bike and got a rowing machine for his birthday? Legend!


What is your favourite thing to on the weekends?

Sleeping in is at the top of the list! I also love catching up with my family and friends and going out for dinner.


Are you an early bird or a night owl?  

I am definitely a night owl. I somehow end up wasting time watching silly tv shows or reading random things instead of getting an early night. 

What might someone be surprised to know about you?

I have a very weird talent for being able to write in perfect mirror image almost as quickly as my normal handwriting. It's not very useful though!


 What recently made you smile?

I smiled when Raph J. started singing one of my favourite songs, Take on Me by A-Ha (embarrassing I know) with me while I was playing 'air piano'. I couldn't believe he knew the song - it made my day!


If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would you choose ? 

Okay, so he's not real but I'd choose Willy Wonka - who wouldn't want their own chocolate factory! 


What would you like to say to your students?


Thank you for making coming to work so much fun! I am so lucky to have a job where I get to laugh every day.