Year 4 News

Year 4

This term we have farewelled 4A’s student teacher Miss Crader and welcomed 4B’s Miss Ashcroft. We have lots of extra hands in the classroom and hope the children feel well-supported to ask questions and make connections to their learning.


Unit Of Inquiry

This term we are inquiring into exploration and discovery currently looking at the Industrial Revolution and European settlement. Children are completing activities to aid in comprehension of these events and also explore the difference between fact and opinion. We are looking forward to our excursion in June to Cook’s Cottage and the Immigration Museum to support our learning in this area. 



Cyber Safety and Resilience Project

We continue our Cyber safety and Resilience Project lessons weekly investigating character strengths and gratitude, while understanding that often not everything printed online is the truth. We discussed things that might alert us to this including misspellings, archaic publishing dates and sensationalised headlines. 


In Maths for the number strand, we are launching into multiplication. In this area we urge parents to support their children in learning their times tables. We expect that children know their tables by the end of year 4 and in class use games and songs to support this. 


At home posters, place mats, card games and quizzes can help, along with apps and websites such as “Maths Rockx” and “Multiplication Mash up” that use song and rhyme to help learn and recall automatically.


For maths measurement, we are learning to tell the time, particularly the language of an analogue clock. We are also looking at elapsed time. Discussion at home of times that activities start and finish are helpful in making time more understandable for students. We thank you for your support here.


Year 4 Sport

We continue to conduct Year 4 sport between inclement weather and love to finish our Fridays with class versus class rounders. Always a competitive match!