Year 2 News 

We have lots to do in Year 2! 



In Numeracy the Year 2 students are looking at different strategies that can be used effectively and efficiently for addition such as count on, the jump strategy where you start at the largest number and then jump by tens and then jump by ones and the split strategy. We have used number lines and hundreds boards to assist and show our working out of addition sums. 

The students have practised Maths with Someone by playing tic- tac- toe addition where one player is the attacker and the player is the defender. They use the numbers 1-9 and the attacker tries to make 15 whilst the defender tries to stop this from happening. We also played Rowco, Greedy Pig and Easy as Pie to our practise addition skills. 


We have also introduced weekly challenging tasks, where the students are presented with a problem and are given 5 minutes to independently think about strategies they can use to try and solve it. If it is too challenging the children can select an easier similar task, or if too easy a more difficult problem. 


We have continued looking at data representation and have looked at many different graphs shown in the book “The Great Graph Contest”. The students then interviewed 8 children and recorded their favourite sports and showed this in a pie and donut graph. They then showed the data of the number of three different cookies in any way they wanted to such as a bar graph, pie graph, pictograph. 



This week in one of our Literacy sessions, the Year 2 students revised adjectives. They all drew a portrait of themselves in grey lead and then coloured it in. The students then traced over their portraits with black texta. The next step was for the students to write 6 adjectives that best described them. The students wrote these adjectives onto white strips of paper and then stuck them around the outside of their portraits. The students thoroughly enjoyed completing this activity. We hope you enjoy the photos of the students holding their adjective posters. 



The students have been enjoying writing their Magic Key stories. The students were given the picture below of several Magic Keys. Each week they have been choosing a different key and writing about the magic that key possesses. Some keys have allowed students access to mansions complete with luxury cars, swimming pools, spas and theatre rooms. Other keys have open up Westfield after hours and allowed students to shop for anything they wanted free of charge. Some keys have taken students through a portal into another dimension.


The teachers have been amazed at the creativity of the students and look forward to reading their Magic Key adventures each week.  


Cyber Safety 

This week for our Cyber Safety lesson we explored the concept of ‘Cyber Safety Superheroes’. We learnt to identify important cyber safety practices.  As a class, we discussed some online super hero powers e.g. Kind Man: sends positive messages and leaves kind comments for people. The students then designed a super hero to display one important cyber safety practice of their choice. 


We are thoroughly enjoying the Cyber Safety lessons which will continue throughout the year.   


Resilience Project 

Last week for our Resilience Project lesson we focused on ‘Inclusion’. We learnt to describe how people may feel when they are excluded. We had a class discussion about inclusion and what it means. Then we looked at a range of images and wrote down how each person was feeling and how we could help them. We discussed our responses as a class. 


To conclude the lesson, we completed the student journal activity in our books answering questions including ‘How do you feel when you are with your friends?’ and ‘I can help others feel better by’. We hope you enjoy reading some of the student’s responses