
MUSIC Week 4 Term 2


Senior classes have been enjoying playing the BOOMWHACKERS! 


Each Boomwhacker is a specific pitch, and students need to be very focused and co-ordinated to play them at the correct time. 


They follow colour-coded images to play along with the music.

Senior Choir


Years 4 – 6 choir students have been enjoying learning to sing together each Tuesday afternoon, and are looking forward to performing again soon.




Our Year 6 piano accompanist, Jack, is one of our Music Captains. He helps Mrs Ratten by playing the warm-up exercises for the singers, sections of the melody when the choir is learning it, writes his own arrangements of the songs, and adds to the accompaniments in rehearsals. 


For one special song, we even have Djembe players! These players were chosen because they showed excellent beat keeping and listening skills.