Principal's Report

Mother's Day Stall

Our Parents & Friends organise an annual Mother’s Day Stall which is held the week before Mother’s Day. Our Mother’s Day Stall co-ordinators source and prepare appropriate stock to sell to students at a reasonable price – this is a service to our families, not a fundraiser.

We are very thankful to our wonderful parent  volunteers who ran the stall and of course the co-ordinators of the stall for the countless hours that they spent arranging this for our students.


Cubby House

Once again we would like to thank Caroline Hillis for donating the 3 Easter hampers and also to everyone who purchased a ticket.  


We have ordered a cubby house and we look forward to it arriving and placing it in our playground.

Lunch Clubs

We are extremely appreciative of the willingness of our staff to provide a variety of lunch clubs for our students.  Our staff are giving up their valuable lunch breaks to provide these optional activities for our children.


Prep to Year  2 Lunch Club

Tuesday - Library and Drawing 

 Mrs Patane  2-2.30pm


Wednesday - Drawing and Building 

Mrs Patane 2-2.30


Thursday - Maths Games 

2D classroom  Mrs Demetriou 2-2.30


Bungalow “Chill out” Zone  -Year 3-6

Tuesday          Mrs Duffy-Fainu'u  2-2.30pm

Wednesday    Mrs Duffy-Fainu'u  2-2.30pm

Thursday         Mrs Duffy-Fainu'u  2-2.30pm

Friday               Mrs Badley  2-2.30pm


Specialty Lunch Clubs for students in Years 3-6.  These clubs are held once a week on a specific day that have been publicised to our students


Manga Club - Japanese Anime Drawing club

Media Club - Mr Marashli

Chess Club - Mr Bray and Ms Holt

Fitness Club - Mr Ross

Mandela Club - Mrs La Gerche


Celebration of Education Support Staff (ES) Week

At our assembly this week we celebrated ES Week. Unfortunately the weather was not warm enough for outside so the assembly was conducted using MS Teams. Each ES  member was presented with a certificate made by the children and a small plant as a reminder of how much we all appreciate their ongoing commitment to every aspect of life and programs at BNPS.


Who are our ES Staff?

Our ES team includes:

Kerryn Meredith, Annie Staley, Nicole Rainsbury, Nicola Hajncl, Jen Baird, Janine Nelson, Kelly Szabo,  Bonnie Lewis, Jenny Marashli, Annie Thomas, Lee Skaftouros, Jesse Reed and Seb Balbi.


Arrival of Additional Air Purifiers

The Department of Education has provided 24 additional air purifiers for our school and these have been distributed to classrooms and meeting rooms.


All students in Years 3 and 5 have participated in NAPLAN last week and this week. All students completed the NAPLAN online and we were extremely relieved to know that our IT platform held up very well.  Our students approached this test with a very positive attitude and did not appear stressed or anxious throughout the four days of testing.  Our students are very adept at completing a variety of tests online and appeared to adjust to this test with ease.  Unfortunately, we had many students unwell at this time which is something no one has any control over. 

How To Sign Your Child In or Out - A Friendly Reminder

If you are picking up early or dropping your child/ren to school within school hours , please remember to sign your child in or out at the kiosk at the Office (NOT ON COMPASS).


Only enter full day absences yourself on Compass. All absences need to be accounted for.


Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs)

RATs will continue to be distributed to you as they have been throughout this school year for the remainder of this term. However, from Monday 23 May 2022, students will no longer be recommended to undertake either twice weekly RATs in mainstream schools or 5 days a week in specialist schools. RATs however will continue to be required by students who are household contacts to attend school (5 negative tests over a 7 day period) or who have symptoms.


The ongoing supply of RATs to families in our school will ensure that parents and carers will have them should they need them if their child is a household contact or has symptoms.


Sincere thanks to our families who have been keeping their children at home if they are presenting as unwell.  The past two years has strongly indicated that everyone’s immunity to a variety of viruses is very low. 

The Resilience Project – Wellbeing Curriculum

We are proud to be a partnership school of The Resilience Project and have been for many years.


The below information reinforces the positive impact that our wellbeing program is having on Student Wellbeing by applying the GEM Principles and focusing on Emotional Literacy.


Last  week, Jessica Patane attended The Resilience Project Teacher Seminar and on Monday evening, Martin presented to our parent community on ‘Discovering Resilience’ via webinar. 


We have received some wonderful parent feedback around this session, and if you missed it and wish to watch back you can do so until 24 May, by following this link:


Meeting Recording:

Therapy Dogs

This fortnight we welcomed our first female therapy dog to Beaumaris North Primary School. Frankie, the toy cavoodle, and Ms Maddison completed four months of intensive training through Lead The Way Institute, followed by a two day assessment with K9 Support, in Benalla. 

Frankie joins Wally as our second school therapy dog. 


The students and staff have warmly welcomed both Wally & Frankie. We look forward to sharing the many interactions of our students with the therapy  dogs, in future newsletter editions.


All staff and students have been briefed on the most appropriate ways of interacting with both our therapy dogs, to ensure happy, healthy relationships between human and canines. It has been particularly rewarding for Miss Tilley and Ms Maddison to witness first hand the calming effect the dogs have already had on the children, particularly those with anxiety or school refusal.


Parents’ and Friends Election Day BBQ and Cake Stall

I would like to sincerely thank Nat Northey for organising our  Parents’ and Friends Election Day BBQ and Cake Stall.


Nat is doing a wonderful job re-igniting the Parents and Friends Club.  We have a very dedicated and enthusiastic group of parents who are planning a variety of special activities and events for both students and their families.


If you wish to become involved, please contact Nat.  After two years of very strict restrictions, we are now moving forward with our parental involvement in so many areas.  Thanks Nat. 

Professional Practice Day - 10 June 2022

Please note that all staff will be participating in a Professional Practice Day on Friday 10 June. Students are not required at school on this day.



Sherril Duffy
Sherril Duffy

Sherril  Duffy