
Term 2 Week 5 2022
This term in preschool we have been focusing on phonological awareness (awareness of sounds and patterns in words) and have begun working on these skills in our small groups. The children have played a range of games and activities focusing on rhyme, syllables, and initial sounds in words. It was pleasing to hear from parents during our parent meetings in Weeks 4 and 5 that some children are even practising these skills at home. The writing and drawing table has also been popular with many children wanting to be authors and illustrators of their own books, which they have also shared during group time.
Ball games have been very popular at preschool too. The children have been exploring all the different ways to play with balls - throwing, kicking, hitting and rolling. We have been supporting the children to develop better control of the balls in their play using hoops, boxes and goals as targets. The children have developed more awareness of the environment and those around them. They have shown persistence as they attempted to reach the target and have learnt to wait and take turns during play.
Inside, the children have enjoyed restaurant role play. The children have enjoyed preparing the food, serving the food and eating the food. This week the restaurant has evolved into a pizza restaurant with wood fire pizzas and garlic bread on the menu. Their imagination and oral language as they have interacted with each other in the different roles has been impressive.
Snails were found in the preschool garden this week too and the children have been fascinated with observing them. There have been observational drawings and many questions asked and answered as we have begun to learn more about snails including what they eat.
Reconciliation Week was acknowledged by reading the story ‘Somebody’s Land’ written by Adam Goodes and painting our hands using the Aboriginal flag colours, this shows we walk together hand in hand. We also shared our acknowledgement of country with Julie and Emerly, Para Vista's ACEO's (Aboriginal Community Education Officers) who visited to support us during our activity and delivered our special reconciliation donuts which we enjoyed in the afternoon.
Upcoming Events Term 2- Preschool
Week 6
8th June (Wednesday) Preschool Special Theme Day
Teddy Bear’s Picnic, bring a toy friend, more information to follow.
Week 7
13th June (Monday) Queens Birthday Public Holiday
Week 9
29th June (Wednesday) CaFHs Health Checks
29th June (Wednesday) International MUD Day
Week 10
3rd-10th July NAIDOC Week
Enter for Success
The Enter for Success strategy supports children who identify as Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander through preschool and throughout their school life.
The strategy gives Aboriginal students the opportunity to enrol and be accepted into any government school they choose the year before starting school.
A place will have been made for your child at their local school, however, if you wish for your child to attend a different school, you can select another school through the Enter for Success strategy. Once a school is chosen, the school will work with you to make sure they give your child the necessary support and opportunities to achieve their best at school.
How to apply:
- families should contact the primary school directly for an application to register your interest in reception for 2023. It is recommended you apply before the end of term 2. However, you have until the last day of term 4 to apply.
If you’re interested in the strategy for your child, you need to contact us or the primary school of your choosing to discuss the options for your child and commitment of everyone involved.
Find out more at