Curriculum and Learning

During Weeks 2 and 3 of this term, nearly all of our Year 3 and Year 5 students participated in NAPLAN. This was an exceptional year for NAPLAN, as due to the 2020 disruptions as a result of Covid-19, both Year 3 and Year 5 students participated for the first time. While there were a few nerves leading into the week, all students showed a high level of focus and engagement, and drew on their prior learning and experiences to support them.
NAPLAN results are generally received by the school between mid-August to mid-September and reports for individual students are then provided to families. Once results are received, you are welcome to make an appointment with your child's teacher or a member of the leadership team to discuss these. Once the reports are received by the school, more information will be provided about reading the reports and interpreting the information that they contain.
Mid-year reports
In Week 10 of this term, students will receive their mid-year report. This is an important document detailing your child’s learning so far and their next steps for continued academic growth. Please spend time reading through and discussing this report with your child/ren.
Your child’s achievement is being assessed and reported on against The Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards. In these reporting levels, a student who is achieving at the expected standard for their current year level would be described as satisfactory and receives a C grading. Students who achieve an A (excellent) or B (good) are working above this level and D (partial) or E (minimal) below this level. Reception children do not receive an A-E grading on their report.
Attainment Summary
A = Excellent achievement of what is expected at this year level
B = Good achievement of what is expected at this year level
C = Satisfactory achievement of what is expected at this year level
D = Partial achievement of what is expected at this year level
E = Minimal achievement of what is expected at this year level
You can ask our front office to provide you with information that clearly shows your child’s achievements in the subjects studied in comparison to that of other children in your child’s peer group at the school. This information will show you the number of students in each of the achievement levels.
Areas of the Australian Curriculum identified in a student’s One Plan will be reported on and progress on their individual goals described.
Once you receive your child's report, if you have questions or aspects you would like to discuss, you can make an appointment to meet with your child's teacher in the early part of Term 3.
Beth Dorsman
Deputy Principal
Specialist subjects
Students at Para Vista Primary School participate in a range of specialist subjects including Performing Arts, STEM, Italian and PE. Please see below for an update regarding Performing Arts for Term 2 and choir - both of which students work with Lee Adams for.
This term in Performing Arts we are continuing to focus on Music Education including looking at the areas of Aural Awareness, Music Theory (ranging in complexity for each group), Connection (listening, comparing, focussing on different musical elements and commenting on a variety of listening activities), and Ensemble playing and following different scores and arrangements, whilst learning to sing and play together. This term we have begun to introduce a fourth dimension to our learning. In the Garden, each class has decided to do a group composition on either RAP or POP. In the Greenhouse, we have started learning how to tune and play the Ukelele. In the Orchard, we are focussing on Singing and using the SOLFA system to work on Pitch. Some of the students are getting very good at using the hand signs!
In the Choir, we recently had our Masterclass and Robyn (the PSMF Director) was very impressed, particularly with our singing and floorwork of ‘Wua Bulan’. All Garden students have been practising this piece in the hope of performing it at an assembly in the near future. Robyn also asked if we would like to join another choir concert and do the floorwork which was very exciting. Students are this week discussing with their families about their commitments around Sep 14 – 24 (Choir season) and whether or not they would support students attending another concert being ‘Special Artists’.