From the Principal

At Para Vista Primary we have been exploring Microsoft 365 and looking at the capabilities of Microsoft features. Sway is one of the apps that is part of the Microsoft suite and can be used as a communication tool for such things as newsletters. The benefits of Sway includes improved accessibility on devices. We are looking at trialing this app by having our next newsletter available as both inewsletter and in Sway (a link will be emailed out). We appreciate any feedback as we explore this option for future newsletters.
Site Improvement Plan
We constantly seek learning improvement and at times this may mean refining or adjusting goals that we originally set out to achieve. Our Site Improvement Plan has recently been updated after some refinements to our actions for school improvement. Please find the latest addition of our Site Improvement summary attached below.
Reconciliation Week
Reconciliation Week has been acknowledged through class learning, activities, special donuts and students wearing Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander colours proudly. Our assembly was an opportunity to reflect on the importance of Reconciliation Week. We thank and congratulate all involved in the events of the week and will continue to work together on actions of reconciliation that we are all proud of. Be Brave, Make Change.
Melissa Mills