Letter from the Principal 

I welcome all families and staff back to Term 2. I trust that most of you had some time to rejuvenate after the busyness of Term 1. I hope that not too many of our students, families and staff were impacted by COVID19 and ongoing isolation during your break. 


Term 2 is always a busy one, with NAPLAN and reports in addition to all other activities. Despite interruptions, our teachers will maintain a focus on adherence to school routines and learning. 


Weather has impacted again this term, with our planned community ANZAC celebrations becoming a closed event. We have more events planned this year and look forward to more opportunities to welcome our community. The wet weather minimises our ability to provide physical distancing for everyone and with COVID-19 still prevalent in the community, this is an ongoing risk. I thank you for your patience during this time. 



New staff

I wrote to you at the end of last term about Ms Fair being successful in obtaining the relieving Principal position at Kearns Public School. Through an Expression of Interest (EOI) process, Mrs Stephanie Bromfield was successful in obtaining the Acting Deputy Principal position. Mrs Bromfield has had leadership experience at St Andrews, Ruse and Narellan Public Schools. She has a broad range of experience in curriculum and student wellbeing. Mrs Bromfield will be working closely with K-2 staff and supporting all of our students K-6. 


I would also like to welcome and introduce Miss Jessica Ibrahim. Miss Ibrahim was recently successful through merit selection in achieving a permanent position at LPS. Miss Ibrahim will be teaching KR for the remainder of 2022. Miss Ibrahim has experience as a classroom teacher, most recently working at Guise Public School. 



In Term 1 Mrs Cecilia Bonfield unexpectedly took leave and will be gone for some time. To replace Mrs Bonfield in the Learning and Support Teacher position, Ms Fair and I ran an EOI process. Mrs Hayley Farmer was successful. Mrs Farmer is from Narellan Vale Public School where she has had extensive experience with students with additional needs and leading the school Learning and Support Team. 


COVID19 restriction reminders

Last week I wrote to you about changes to isolation rules, that are in line with the general public. These were:

  • Close contacts no longer need to isolate. 
  • Close contacts should isolate from the infected person when in the home. 
  • Staff and students can attend school however staff must wear and students are strongly recommended to wear a mask for the isolation period. 
  • You should use a RAT daily and if negative can return to school. You do not need to tell the school if the test is negative. 
  • You must notify the school if your child becomes a close contact. 
  • We will continue with our current drop off and pick up procedures. 

Please contact the school if you have any questions about the new processes. 


Ongoing work around the school

During the holidays each one of the school fluorescent lights were changed over to LED. This is part of a departmental pilot program. We have already noticed a difference with the light level and the improvement in rooms. 


Additionally, in the holidays the hall floor was replaced after damage as a result of localised flooding in 2021. I thank the staff at the YMCA and children who attended for being so flexible by relocating during this time.  There is more work to be completed in the hall as a result of flood damage. 


We have also been notified that the administration building will be receiving a new roof. This work will be disruptive as it can only be completed mainly during school hours. There will be some work completed on the weekends, however this will be just to set up fencing and the removal of tiles. You will be notified of any impacts on 1/2P or access to the office or around the school as the work progresses. 


We also expect that work will begin this term for the Cooler Classrooms program. This will also be quite disruptive to access around the school. As rooms are impacted you will be notified via Seesaw of alternative arrangements for those classes. This will result with all learning spaces in the school receiving air conditioning. All of the gas heaters in these spaces will also be removed in the process. 


Inclusive, Engaging and Respectful Schools policy

The Inclusive, Engaging and Respectful (IER) Schools package was announced in February this year by NSW Minister for Education and Early Learning, Hon Sarah Mitchell.


It centres on three new policies and procedures and a framework that together set the guidelines for how we ensure all children and young people can learn through public education in a safe and engaging way. The IER Schools package includes the:

  • Inclusive Education Policy for students with disability
  • Student Behaviour Policy and Procedures
  • Restrictive Practices Framework and Restrictive Practices Reduction and Elimination Policy and Procedures.

With these new policies, we want all students to:

  • be included in all aspects of school life and supported to learn to their fullest capability 
  • be supported in engaging, respectful, and effective classrooms with positive and inclusive practices  
  • feel welcomed, valued and safe in our schools and classroom 

Two of the policies are new: the Inclusive Education Policy; and the Restrictive Practices Framework and policy.  Both clarify existing legal obligations, effective, appropriate and prohibited practices, and the rights of students, parents and carers.


The Student Behaviour Policy replaces the Student Discipline in Government Schools and Suspension and Expulsion Policy. The key change is the approach all NSW public schools will take to address disruptive or inappropriate behaviour by a student. The duration of a suspension will be reduced along with the number of suspensions across a school year.  Every school will be able to draw on the support of a range of staff including behaviour specialists to effectively address issues resulting in these behaviours in order to prevent future escalations. We will continue to work closely with you and all our families.


It does not mean, however, that students who are violent or seriously disrupt the learning and wellbeing of others will be kept at school. Any student who puts the safety of other students, teachers and staff or visitors at risk of harm – will be suspended until it is safe for them to return.


The Inclusive Education Policy for students with disability and the Student Behaviour Policy become operational in Term 3, 2022 and the Restrictive Practices Policy becomes operational in Term 1, 2023.


The staff and I are reviewing our current approach to all of the areas covered by these policies.


Our school already takes a strong, positive student-centred approach, but we want to work with you to ensure, together, every student has the right support at the right time to help them grow into confident, resilient adults.


For more information on these policies, please visit the NSW Department of Education website.







