School Council Updates/Dates 

School Council News

Thank you, thank you for again showing that Lee St has such a fantastic community. We have had some fantastic back-to-back fundraisers made possible by an army of generous and dedicated volunteers plus a great working bee to prepare the school grounds for the students to each plant a native seedling - I believe most of them have even been given names!


Your support in organising, attending, donating, buying, and baking helps the school operate. Not only do these funds make it possible for us to add to our school with tangible things like the science kitchen, outdoor classroom, and flagpoles, but it also helps us to keep better than mandated student to teacher ratios, pay for CRTs, and maintain our school grounds - we just don't get enough funding from the government for running the school - for instance were allocated just $1,715 this year for grounds maintenance, such as repairing the synthetic courts. The tax deductible Building Fund helps towards paying for maintaining our heritage buildings such as replacing the leaking gutters, but cannot be used for grounds.


 We temporarily updated our digital learning policy to remove the compulsory nature of the wording around BYOD for the school review and are now seeking community feedback for this policy before ratifying. You can let us know how you think devices should be used by sending an email or answering the upcoming survey. The Digital Learning (Internet, Social Media and Devices) Policy is below .


Other items discussed at our last meeting were the class selection at the end of the year where we will trial selecting three buddies rather than five and the format of the school reports. 


Conrad Dudley-Bateman

School Council President



Upcoming School Council dates are as follows:


Tue 21 June, 6.30 pm

Tue 16 Aug, 6.30 pm

Tue 13 Sept, 6.30 pm

Tue 8 Nov, 6.30 pm

Tue 13 Dec, 6.30 pm