Dates to Remember
Monday 12th - Respectful Relationships Evening - 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Friday 16th - Whole School Ski Day to Falls Creek
Monday 19th - Music
Tuesday 20th - Bluearth / SAKG
Friday 23rd - MACC Art Van
Trivia Night at the school 6:30pm
Week of 26th - 28th Cluster Ski Camp for year 4, 5 & 6
Monday 2nd - School Council Meeting 5:30pm
Tuesday 3rd - Bluearth / SAKG
Friday 6th - MACC Art Van
Monday 16th - Music
Tuesday 17th - Bluearth / SAKG
Friday 20th - MACC Art Van
Last Day of Term 4
Monday 7th - First Day of Term 4