RGAR Awards

RGAR Awards

This program recognises commitment and effort outside of the classroom. Please see our website for more information. Students are awarded points in four categories:

  1. Arts & Clubs
  2. Leadership & Community
  3. Sport & Recreation
  4. Values

Points are assigned by staff and accumulate throughout a student’s time at CESC.


When a student has reached 1,000 points in a category they will be awarded a badge and a bronze merit for that category. The merit is attached to the badge. They will continue to accumulate points and be awarded a silver merit at 2,000 points, a gold merit at 3,500 points and a platinum merit at 5,000 points. These points are visible to both students and parents in Compass. An SMS will be sent home each time a students is awarded a badge. Badges and merits will be awarded at whole school or year level assemblies. 

Arts & Clubs badge with a bronze merit
Arts & Clubs badge with a bronze merit

Student point tally

You can see how many points a student has accrued by looking in Compass, parents can access the point tally from their child's profile page and students can access the point tally by clicking on their name at the top right of their Compass home page.

Activities eligible for points

The following activities are some examples of how students can receive points



Activities / Events

A&CArtscapeBreakfast Club
 Chess ClubDiversity Club
 Drama ClubCulture Club
 Music ClubProduction
 Assembly performersStudent Voice
 Cross CountrySchool representation (SMR onward)