
Girl connect 

New youth worker 


“Hello Everyone!


For those I have not met my name is Todd Caldwell and I started here at CESC at the start of Term 3 as the Youth Worker within the Wellbeing Team.

I have quite a diverse background as a qualified motor mechanic, public housing tenancy management and, most recently, 3 years’ experience in Youth Justice in Frankston with the major focus of Indigenous Youth Justice young people. This most recent experience has provided me with some strong insights into working with our most troubled and vulnerable young people. 

Since started here I been getting involved in the current programs, completed my Compass survey to tap into the students ideas and am assisting with the delivery of the Try Mentoring and Sporting Change programs.

I am currently running gym, slacklining and mindfulness activities and will continue to develop and implement programs, activities and ideas that I think will benefit the school and specific students. 

Feel free to come find me  if you have any ideas, thoughts, or particular young people that we could work together to provide them with a more personalized and strengths based pathway.

Thank you 


Breakfast club 

Breakfast Club runs every Tuesday and Thursday from 8am until 8.40am. We have had quite a large turn out each morning which is great to see. We have a great selection of food available for all students. 

A big thank you to the staff who help support breakfast club and also to  our donors  who help us keep it going. 

All students and staff are welcome to attend Breakfast Club and with the cold mornings, it is a nice warm place to be. 

Support groups for parents 

9.30am - 10.30am

Free - Booking Essential 

Venue: Vermont South Special School, Livingstone Road, Vermont South VIC, Australia 

Contact:Michelle (Parentzone)

Phone:0438 646 744


For parents & carers of children with a disability (including ASD and ADD).

Are you a parent or carer of a child with a disability or developmental delay? Could you use a bit of support and connection with other who understand?

Our Parentzone team invite you to come along and join other parents and carers at our monthly peer support groups.

Next group dates for 2019 are: Aug 20th, Sept 17th, Oct 15th, Nov 19th and Dec 17th.

what's on in term 3

Sporting change 


open to all genders and  all abilities! 

Support services 

QLIFE- Australia’s first nationally-oriented counselling and referral service for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and/or intersex (LGBTI).