Visual Arts

Kerry Eeckman
Visual Arts Teacher
Announcement of the Kingswood PS Art Show mini Archibald Awards
Firstly we want to begin by congratulating all the entrants of the mini Archibald. This is a big deal and something special to be proud of…..being voted in by other students. Well done! It was fantastic listening to students, teachers and the Kingswood Community engaging with the art and talking about what they see, what they like, what they had connections with and what they had wonderings about.
Mini Archibald Winners:
Prep to Year Two: Vivian PB (Indigenous Aboriginal dot painting about her own family) No.10
Year Three to Six: Vanessa 4D (Portraiture, pencil) No.9
Packing Room Winners:
Prep to Year Two: Demi 1H (‘Night Time Unicorn’, Printmaking) No.1
Year Three to Six: Dennis 6H (Neurographic Art, watercolours) No.4
People’s Choice Winners:
Prep to Year Two: Abby 2E (Fantasy themed Spirals, mixed media) No.5
Year Three to Six: Abi L 5W (‘Virus’, Neurographic Art, watercolours) No.5
Congratulations to all the winners and well done everyone across the whole Kingswood Community for providing the energy and enthusiasm to enjoy the students ‘Proudest Pieces of Art’. It means a great deal to them.
Thanking you.
Kerry Eeckman and Janet McLean