Physical Education

Jordan Beck
Physical Education
Last week Kingswood’s District Boys Championship Basketball team competed in the Division Finals at Springvale Leisure Centre. The boys won all 3 matches in their group to advance to the championship game, with them falling just short by 6 points to Beaumaris Primary School. The team did so well to fight back from a 12-point deficit for the majority of the game as well as battling fatigue due to only having a 10-minute rest between matches! Congratulations on a great year of basketball, you should all be very proud of yourselves!
Our Year 3-5 students are just finishing their Netball unit in PE. Students have been learning the rules as well as positions of netball and have done very well in understanding what each position's role is as well as where they can and cannot go on the court.
Students have gone from learning the fundamentals of Netball to playing a full-size game with umpiring and positions. It’s been great watching the development in knowledge and skill over the last 3 weeks as well as the teamwork and fair play that has been shown during our matches.