
Aaron Cox
Spring is here and it feels wonderful. Let’s hope this amazing weather stays with us for the rest of the year!
The Build
We are now in final discussions with the Victorian Schools Building Authority (VSBA) about what the project will look like with the additional funding. Hopefully, the VSBA will communicate in some detail what the final project will look like in the very near future.
Could I please ask parents to be good role models for our children and use the official crossing locations outside the school. We are a very busy school and the number of parents just crossing in front of the school is unacceptable and dangerous. We are meant to be modelling good behaviours for our children to follow. I would personally hate to have to carry the guilt associated with any injury sustained by a child because safety was not my priority. Please do the right thing and use the manned crossings. It literally adds seconds to your journey and may save a life.
Remembrance Service
Year 6s attended the Remembrance Service in Dingley on Friday. I was filled with pride when our school leaders represented the school by laying a wreath and reading memorial poems. All other Year 6s attended the service in person. This was the first time we have been at the service in 3 years.
The Pulse
Kingswood feels like it is in a very nice space at the moment. Although it is a long term (11 and 1/2 weeks), everyone’s energy levels seem to be stable and at a good level. We are working productively together. We seem to be mindful of others and we are using our manners. Swimming and camps are reducing students’ energy and they are tiring easily. Feedback from external people about how well our students behave in pubic is at an exceptional level.
Workforce Planning
Congratulations to Sahar Charit who will be joining us until the end of the year as an Education Support staff member. Additionally, we have appointed Natalie Potenzi to a part time classroom position in 2023 and Olivia Bolton has been appointed as our STEM teacher for the same period. Over the next few days, we will be interviewing to appoint a new Leading Teacher to add to our leadership team. This person will work closely with our assistant principal Megan Franklyn in identifying and support children with needs. Finally, we will be interviewing to appoint our new business manager for 2023 and beyond. Catherine Palmer will be with us for Term 1 before taking some extended leave.
Upon completion of these appointments, Kingswood should be in the enviable position of not making any further appointments. We have been very fortunate to have the caliber of interviewees that we have had during this employment period.
Let’s hope this magical weather continues.