Deputy Principal Update

Dear Families,


A lot has happened since the last publication of the newsletter. It was great to have the children return to school on Monday. Their smiles and enthusiasm for being with one another certainly lifted the spirits of all at school.  Many in our wider community have been affected by the recent floods. For those directly affected, as well as those supporting extended family and friends, you are very much in our thoughts and prayers at this time. David in his communications has provided information about support agencies available if needed by families. Please reach out to them if support is required. 


Book Fair.

Our Book Fair has been a great success! It has been fantastic to see parents and children perusing through the displays, looking for that new treasured story or book to enjoy together. Thank you for your support of this – we will use the money raised to purchase new reading material for our library. A HUGE thank you also to Mrs Keenan and her fantastic helpers for setting up and helping out at the Book Fair. It is greatly appreciated by all, especially the children. 

Swimming Program.

Unfortunately, we have been unable to have our swimming program this year due to the recent floods. We wish everyone at Aquamoves all the best as they continue to clean up and make the facility ready to be open to the public again. 


Permission Slips:

A reminder about permission slips being sent out digitally now. Permission slips will now be sent via PAM – as a digital copy. It will come up as an alert. Parents can now fill them out and submit them using this. All excursion details, such as items children need to bring with them, are listed on here. Many thanks.


Term Four – Hats to Be Worn.

Thank you and well done to all the children for their responsibility in wearing hats during outside times. Even with the cloudy and dull days, it is great to see the children remembering to wear their hats outside as a part of being Sunsmart. We do have some hats appearing in lost property without names on them. It is important that your child’s hat is clearly named so that it can be returned to them if found outside. A reminder that as a part of our summer uniform, school hats need to be kept neat and tidy and not have writing or decorations drawn over them. Thank you for your support with this.


Zooper Doopers:  

Zooper Doopers are again very popular on the days they are being sold. With our new building, we have changed the way we distribute them during the day. Instead of teachers collecting money at the beginning of the day, Zooper Doopers are now being sold from the new kitchen area at the start of recess. It might be worth reminding your child/ren about keeping their money safe in their bags until it is needed; especially our younger children, so as to avoid disappointment when it comes time to purchase one. 

Zooper Doopers are sold for 50c each, with a maximum of two allowed to be bought.


ICAS Certificates:

Last Term, a number of children participated in the ICAS Assessment Tasks at school. Certificates of participation have slowly been arriving at school. There is a delay with the Mathematics Certificates. Hopefully they will arrive in the next two weeks. When they do, it is my intention to present them at our school assembly. I will let parents know when this is happening. Apologies for the delay.


Family Movie Night:

The Family Movie Night organised by the Community Group had to be postponed due to recent events. When a suitable date (and weather conditions) are found, it will be re-advertised. Thank you to those responsible for organising this. 


I hope everyone has a great fortnight ahead.

Kind regards.

Tony Mc.