Principal's News

Journeying Together in Christ 

We returned on Monday after another natural disaster. We continue to pray for dry weather and for the families and staff members directly affected by water in their homes and/or businesses. 

Last Sunday at Mass, Fr Joe reflected on a parable in Luke's Gospel about a Pharisee and a tax collector and giving without expecting recognition.  It ignited my own reflection regarding how people in my neighbourhood wanted to help but we couldn't. Last week during the floods so many people felt helpless because they were isolated and locked in. They could not get to others to help while others could. Please do not feel guilty. When the time is right we will be able to help or you may have already been able to achieve this. Did you pray for others? This is something that costs nothing. I know others needed space to come to terms with their own situation. 


Routine has been the key for staff as the children returned this week. Most children have come back and settled straight back into everyday life. Others needed to be reminded about expectations and rules at school. If any family cannot access their school uniform or it was destroyed please contact the school.


On Friday I received an email from three staff members at Sacred Heart in Tocumwal, NSW. The Kinder/Year 1 (Kinder is the equivalent to Foundation) children sent us some well wishes. This is an example of the goodness in people.


Useful Links

For families and school staff

Supporting Children

Guide to self-care


It's often challenging asking for help. The links above may assist you.


Book Fair

I have loved seeing students with their families buying books and other goodies. Reading opens up so many opportunities! For any keen cricket fans I have a little inside information on why I helped promote the books in the author of the month photo!


End of Year Mass and Whole School Orientation

It was brought to my attention that the Whole School Orientation is on Tuesday 13th December, not Tuesday 6th December. Unfortunately, we need to change the time for our Mass to 6:00pm. I apologise to those who have made plans for the original 12:30pm day time Mass. The Whole School Orientation, including Year 6 going to their selected high school, will be on Tuesday 13th December NOT Tuesday 6th December. New families will get this information.


Staff News

We congratulate Gabriella Mercuri on her appointment at St. Jospeh's Nagambie for 2023. Gab has been with us since the beginning of 2017, 6 years. St. Luke's was her first school. She started as the Language (Italian) teacher and in 3/4. We will miss her but wish her every success. 


New Building Opening

On, Wednesday 16th November at 10:00am, Bishop Shane Mackinlay is blessing the building and the Hon. Mark Gepp is officially opening the new building.

The ceremony will take place in the auditorium and the children and any parents/carers will be seated on the grass and area looking towards the auditorium. If we experience unfavourable weather and drainage, we will communicate this on the morning and the event will be limited to the invited guests and some students.

New crosses for each room are being created at the moment and these will be placed in each room.


Uniform Reminders

It was disappointing that I had to remind some senior students about wearing our uniform correctly and not destroying their hats with graffiti. If they do not have a spare hat they will need to buy a new one or sit in the shade for the remainder of the school term. 


End of Year events

Please see the calendar page for known events for term 4 and the start of 2023. 

Many families in who have joined us since 2019 have not experienced any end of year events/functions due to the pandemic and storms in December 2019. 

December includes some of the following:

Whole School Orientation: the students from Years 1-6 visit there new learning space and teacher for a couple of hours. After this they fill in a small take home note with some details for parents/carers.

Meet and Greet Night- in the past we have had a Foundation evening but this year we are opening this up to any NEW enrolments for 2023. This is not an information night but a social gathering so all Foundation can meet each other and existing families can support new families. If new parents from years 1-6 attend we will have some existing parents for your to meet. 

Year 6 Big Day Out - a celebration for year 6 only normally off site.

End of Year Mass - a celebration for all students F-6 and their families. We acknowledge all students, farewell Year 6 and any staff who are leaving.  

School Disco- the community group assist staff and we hold 3-4 unit discos throughout the day. It is a casual clothes day and at the end of the time the children have the option of receiving a food treat. 

The dates for these events are in the School Calendar section of the newsletter.


Child Safe Standards

A reminder to contact your child's teacher if you want to volunteer your help and skills. The teacher will notify leadership and we will look at the 'volunteer induction'.


A reminder that there is no school on Monday and Tuesday due to the Monday Report Writing/Pupil Free Day and Tuesday's Public Holiday. See you on Wednesday.


In this week of the Book Fair I leave you with this quote by Dr Seuss:

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”


David Keenan.
