Children Chatter Matters 


 Children’s Chatter Matters 


11. Read Books

Reading with your child provides an opportunity to address many skills. Talk with your child about what has happened on the page you have just read and make predictions about what you think may happen on the next page. Ask a range of wh - questions such as who/what/when/where to build story comprehension.


12. I Spy

This game can be played anywhere and with children of all ages. During this game you can target your child’s understanding of a range of language features;

- beginning sounds e.g. ‘I spy with my little eye something beginning with /s/,

- concepts e.g. ‘I spy with my little eye something that is round’,

- colours e.g. ‘I spy with my little eye something that is blue’, and

- categories e.g. ‘I spy with my little eye something that is a vegetable’.