Learning Across the ELC

From the Head of Junior School and Early Learning

Our Gumnut babies enjoy a beautiful day in the ELC. The day weaves around each child’s individual routines and interests, providing time for play and sleep which is essential for healthy growth and wellbeing.


Our safe sleep and rest procedures follow Red Nose guidelines, the recognised national authority in this area. Children sleeping and resting are also always within sight of our educators, who monitor our children sleeping at all times. The comfort and care provided also ensures our children feel secure and safe in the ELC.


The following key infant care practices ensure a safe sleeping environment for babies up to 12 months of age: 

  • Sleep infants on their back from birth for every sleep period (night and day), never on their front or side
  • with feet at the foot of the cot
  • with appropriate bedclothes or sleeping bag which are the correct weight for the season to provide adequate warmth whilst avoiding overheating
  • with head and face uncovered
  • with bedclothes tucked in securely so bedding is not loose or in a sleeping bag that fits the neck firmly
  • without quilts, doonas, duvets, pillows, cot bumpers, sheep skins, soft toys or any other soft item which could pose an asphyxiation risk.

As, our babies grow their sleep requirements change. There is a wide variation in the amount of time toddlers, 1-3 years, sleep. Some sleep through the night. Many still wake once or twice, and some wake more often.  Most toddlers have at least one sleep during the day in the ELC, usually after lunch. We create a predictable routine for our toddlers during the day that supports rest and sleep after lunch. This continues into Preschool, however only a few children still require an afternoon sleep by preschool age. Relaxing quiet activities are provided after lunch for those not sleeping; this is a lovely time for our children to rest and recharge in preparation for another fun afternoon of play and discovery.


Please find attached sleep guides from Red Nose and Parenting SA providing information about sleep cycles and safe sleeping practices. The following agencies also provide a wealth of advice and guidance for families.

  • Parent Helpline: Phone 1300 364 100 For advice on child health and parenting, including sleep and settling.
  • Child and Family Health Service (CaFHS)  Phone 1300 733 606, 9am-4.30pm, Mon-Fri for an appointment.  The child health nurses can help with sleep and settling for babies and young children. See www.cyh.com for child health and parenting information.
  • Red Nose Phone 1300 998 698 Information and brochures on many aspects of safe infant sleeping, including advice on safe sleeping products.
  • SIDS and Kids SA Phone 8332 1066 415 Magill Road, St Morris Information on safe sleeping including education sessions for parents, grandparents, and professionals. 
  • Kidsafe SA Phone 7089 8554, 9.30am-4pm, Mon-Fri for information about child safety. Located opposite the Play Deck, Level 1, Gilbert Building, Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Adelaide www.kidsafesa.com.au 
  • Australian Breastfeeding Association Phone Helpline 1800 686 268 (mum 2 mum) For information and support for breastfeeding. South Australian/Northern Territory Office phone 8223 6833 www.breastfeeding.asn.au

Ms Marika Snell

Head of Junior School and Early Learning

Growing in Preschool

This week in Preschool, we have continued to explore our Term 4 Inquiry, 'How Do I Grow? Exploring How Things Grow' through group conversations and through provocations set up within our Preschool environment both indoors and outdoors. The children had previously been given an opportunity to create their own grass heads and therefore, this week involved continuous watering and checking of them. The Preschool children have been able to use their observation and communication skills to monitor and comment on the daily changes of their grass heads and they seem to love comparing the growth of their own to their peers!  


During some of our group discussions, the children excitedly shared what they had noticed:  


Oliver – My grass is growing some hair a little bit. Some pieces are coming out.  

Jordan – It hasn’t changed yet. 

Alyssa S – It is growing some grass! 

Kaira – Five little grass are growing. 

Anne – I saw they were getting bigger from when we watered it and from the rain. 

Zara C - They were really wet. I'm not sure if they'll start to grow real soon, because they haven't had much sun. 

Annabelle - I noticed that they were so squishy and wet and they were going to grow grass and it's so exciting. 

Elliot - It's going to grow. It grew a bit already from the sunshine. 


Ms Quigley & Ms Settecasi  

Preschool Teachers