Middle School

From the Head of Middle School

Year Nine Parent Information Session

A reminder that on Thursday 10 November at 12.30pm, we will be running a Parent Information session for Year Nine parents and guardians in the Hall. The aim of this session is to provide families with information about future pathways for students as they move towards Years Eleven and Twelve. This includes information about courses that are run at GSG, requirements for Secondary Graduation, classes for Year Tens that influence the subjects that students can do in Year Eleven and other information relating to a successful transition. The date is the day before the Boarders' Closed Weekend/Albany Show, and I am hoping parents can make themselves available. This event will be available to be viewed on Teams and we will send out a link for families in the middle of next week. It will also be recorded and placed on MyGSG in the Middle School section.


After this session, at approximately 1.45pm, we will be holding the annual Boarders versus Day Students games on the oval and families are welcome to stay and watch. We will provide lunch for people who can attend. An email has been sent directly to families to RSVP for both events. 

Middle School Excursions

Earlier in the year, the camps for Years Seven, Eight and Nine were cancelled due to COVID. We were fortunate to have the Outdoor Ed Group come to GSG and run activities for two days with Year Nines while the Year Eight cohort attended two days of outdoor activities at Camp Quaranup. Next week, the Year Sevens have their turn. They will be doing some games and activities around Mt Clarence and Middleton Beach, including surfing, fishing, beach games, ten pin bowling and walking. Mrs Berryman has created a fantastic program to ensure the students have a worthwhile experience in the outdoors.

We hope to have camps back on the calendar next year and I thank the staff who are providing their time and expertise to make these memorable days a reality. 


Mr Adam Scott | Head of Middle School

ANZAC Excursion

During Week Three, all Year Nine students attended the National ANZAC Centre and surrounding forts as part of their Humanities unit on World War One. In the Centre, students were allocated a person that allowed them to experience what life would have been like in the trenches and throughout the war. Once finished in the centre, students walked around the Princess Royal Fortress and the endless trails that weave through the area, exposing remnants of the war. This is our second year conducting the excursion, and we look forward to continuing with it in the future.


A couple of reflections from the students:

We had lots of fun and it helped give us insight into what WW1 was like.


The afternoon was really enjoyable and educational. I loved looking at all the weaponry.


It was really good; I think we should go every week.


There was a lot of connection to what we are studying in class.


It was incredibly fun, and Miss Youngs made it even better.


It was fun and interesting. We loved the machines.


Ms Angelina Ross | Head of Humanities and Social Sciences