Senior School

From the Head of Senior School

This week, our Year Eleven students became the oldest cohort of the school. They started the week strongly by leading our Chapel service on Monday, setting a positive tone for the Senior School. Some of the students have taken advantage of using the facilities in the outside kitchenette, managing to keep it beautifully clean! This term, the Year Eleven students will have the opportunity to step up in all manner of ways from helping with lunches, to representing the school at the Albany Show and Albany’s Remembrance Service.  


As part of the students’ transition, we celebrated this week with our annual Mocktail Party. This event supports the Year Eleven Hospitality program but is a fun way to bring the year group together and celebrate their journey through school. The Op Shop theme is always popular and this year the students explored a wide range of options when selecting their outfits; quirky shoes seemed to be a feature, with everything from slippers, to sporting boots, to high-heeled boots, and even flippers making an appearance! I would like to thank Mrs McAllister, Mrs Wesley and the Hospitality class for their amazing mocktails and their hard work in setting up the area. I would also like to thank Mrs Renae O’Donnell for running the social dancing activities and the other staff for attending and supporting this event: Mr Barnett, Mr Fullarton, Mr Hughes, Mr Taylor, Miss Smith, Mrs Stone, Mr Robson and Mrs Franklin. 


Sandro Genovese and Indi Haper-Barrett reflected:

Last Thursday, the Year Elevens gathered in the undercover area to indulge in a fun, celebrative mocktail party. We were catered by the Year Eleven Hospitality class with a variety of different, colourful and sweet beverages and the service of the students involved was very professional. Throughout the night, we all participated in different dancing activities such as the Macarena, Country dancing and practising our dance for the ball early next year. The traditional theme of this party was to dress in op-shop clothing, and everyone certainly did a terrific job with all the weird, wacky and unexpected outfits. This night was certainly one to remember, with many memories made and many laughs shared. It was a great experience, and the Year Tens should certainly be hanging out for it next year!


Mrs Victoria Turnor | Head of Senior School

NOW OPEN - STS Leeuwin II Voyage Sponsorships by CBH


GSG students are eligible for sponsorship on STS Leeuwin II. CBH has been sponsoring regional youth on voyages since 2015. Sponsorship applications are now open for 2022 – closing 30 November 2022. Please find the Leeuwin Voyage Application and CBH Sponsorship application form attached below.