From the Chaplain

I went to the Year Ten Outward Bound camp in Walpole for the first night and two days. I was at base camp and helped deliver a ‘drop’ on the second day. It was a 15-minute drive out on the sandy, 4WD track to where it needed to be left. It was very rough sitting in the back of the car, and it did make me feel a bit sick. We suddenly turned off the track and placed the ‘drop’ down on the ground on a large plastic tarpaulin. It consisted of food for the next 24 hours, a new bucket with lid (this was the toilet), a compost bucket with metho at the bottom and a large backpack. This was then all wrapped up in the plastic and weighted down with new, water drum bottles. The GSG students would later hike to that spot and pick up their new goodies. 


At the base camp, I saw a daddy emu with his seven chicks. They were so lovely to watch. He was so protective of them and kept keeping watch and not letting them stray too far. This reminded me of Psalm 23 – Aboriginal Style by Uncle Rev Ron Williams. I love the thought of God protecting me just like the father emu. 


My big fella boss up in the sky is like the father Emu. 
He will always look after me and take me to green grass, and lead me to where the water holes are full and fresh all the time. 
He leads me away from the thick scrub and helps me keep safe from the hunters, dingoes and eagles. 
At nighttime when I am very lonely and sad, I will not be afraid, for my Father covers me with his feathers like a father emu. 
His spear and shield will always protect me. 
My big fella boss always give me a good feed in the middle of my enemies. 
In hot times he makes me sit down in a cool shade and rest. 
He gives me plenty of love and care all of my life through. 
Then I will live with my big fella boss like a father emu: that cares for his chicks in good country, full of peace and safety. For evermore and evermore.


Mrs Naomi Cooper | Chaplain