From the Deputy Principal

Gratitude and taking action

Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts. 

– Henri Frederic Amiel


When our new student leadership team gathered for the first time at camp to discuss what they would like to achieve as a group, I was struck by their forthright approach to living out their values, and their no-nonsense approach. Very early on in the camp the leaders spoke about the importance of being grateful for what we have and how they would like to remind our students about how fortunate they all are. But, as we all know, it's easy to say things, and more difficult to take action to reflect your words.  


As the quote above suggests, we can be thankful in words, but it is in our actions that we show our gratitude. And that is what our leadership group is doing already. They spoke about how singing the national anthem with commitment and pride was one way we could demonstrate our gratitude for living in Australia and in such fortunate circumstances. So, on Monday, we will be singing the anthem together, led by our Year Elevens encouraging the rest of the school to be involved. They are forming groups to take action on sustainability initiatives, they are planning for their new homeroom groups next year and they are actively involving younger students and their peers. This is what showing gratitude is really all about; taking action, and these young leaders are making it all happen!  


Mrs Emma Franklin | Deputy Principal