From the Principal

Deputy Chair of School Council – Sarah Wright

Mrs Sarah Wright has stepped down as Deputy Chair from the School Council. On behalf of the School community, can I thank Sarah for her support, commitment, and wise counsel on legal matters over the past three years of service to Great Southern Grammar.

Vale Tom Knight

Mr Tom Knight, husband of one of the School’s Founders, Mrs Annette Knight AM (deceased), passed away peacefully on Monday 24 October. Tom was born in Albany and was an apprentice carpenter, builder, farmer, Justice of the Peace, Albany Town Councillor, Politician, and prospector. Tom joined the Liberal Party in 1965 and was elected as MLC South Province (22 May 1974 to 21 May 1986). Tom was a strong supporter of Great Southern Grammar and accompanied Annette on many formal occasions. We extend our deepest sympathies to his children and families.

Safety of our children

At GSG, we hold the safety and protection of our young children at the core of our responsibility. Children should feel safe at school and travelling between home and school. The recent tragic death of Cassius in Perth has rocked us all. As educators, we find it difficult to comprehend the impact on his community. This young boy was acknowledged as a young Aboriginal leader within his own community.  


This week, people have gathered around Australia at candlelight vigils to remember and mourn the loss of Cassius.  


As a school, we stand alongside the Aboriginal community to demand better for our young people to be safe. No child should be a victim of racism, discrimination, harm or violence.


Change can only be brought about by open conversations and commitment to the outcome of providing safety for all young children.

Year Twelve Exams

On Monday, the ATAR exams commenced with Chemistry, and I am delighted to confirm 100% attendance given the recent illness of a number of students. It was heart-warming to observe students enter the examination room. We wish all students well over the coming weeks as they strive to perform at their best under exam conditions.

Year Ten Camps

Our Year Ten students departed school on Monday venturing off to Walpole, Rottnest or Busselton. With different outdoor educational experiences on offer, the students are all personally challenged within different learning contexts. These camps will provide opportunities to connect with nature, build and develop social connections and personal growth. We look forward to their return tomorrow along with the many stories they will bring. 

First Athletics Carnival

This week, a number of our younger students experienced their first athletics carnival. The joy of running up the grass track for the first time with encouragement from students and families made the experience even more memorable. For me, it was the sense of excitement and achievement completing the race that highlighted the importance of commitment and community. It is a day that many of our students will remember for some time. 


Mr Mark Sawle | Principal