Student of The Week Awards

Congratulations to all our SOTW Award Recipients!


Student Name

Quality Displayed


FEDarcy LeeLove of Learning

Well done to Darcy in Foundation E, who has displayed a love of learning. He is doing an excellent job in his reading and is displaying positive classroom behaviour through participating in class discussions.

FEChloe BeattieLeadershipWell done to Chloe who continuously demonstrates outstanding leadership in Foundation E. She always demonstrates kindness, assists others in the classroom and contributes to class discussions with respect and enthusiasm. Well done, Chloe!
FNIsla ThomasLove of learningWell done to Isla for her outstanding presentation on her Papa for Grandparents/Special friends day. Isla enthusiastically presented her information and could confidently answer her peers questions. Well done, Isla!  
FNMarlo AndersonLove of learningWell done to Marlo, in Foundation N, for always showing a love of learning in the classroom. She always has things to contribute to the class discussions and asks interesting questions. Congratulations!
FLHugo McVeyLeadershipHugo shows great leadership within the classroom. He is always willing to help others around him without being prompted. Hugo is always keen to take on extra roles of responsibility and complete tasks to help the whole class. He is an organised classmate who we can all rely on. Thank you for your support and leadership in 1M Hugo!
FKMaddie IsaacDeterminationMaddie always tries hard to complete her work with a wonderful attitude and determination. She is always willing to help her classmates with their work and Maddie is keen to ask questions to help her with learning. Keep up the great work Maddie!
FLFlorence Perks Leadership 

Flo is a fantastic role model for all other students in Foundation L. She listens beautifully in class and has been outstanding at working independently during our assessment weeks. Flo is a wonderful friend to all and we are very lucky to have her in FL. Well done Flo! 

1MAlexis TaylorCreativityAlexis has shown wonderful creativity in her writing this term. She has written a range of stories where she includes lots of exciting detail, such as in her Halloween story she wrote ‘she had an ugly wart on her nose, she looked horrible!’.  It is also fantastic to see Alexis creatively using other authors ideas and words but putting her own spin on them to create her own entertaining stories! Keep up the super work Alexis!   
1HFreddie GoldsmithCreativityFreddie did a wonderful job writing a recount of his trip to Thailand last week. He included details and how he felt to make his writing more interesting. Freddie was also able to edit his work to ensure that he has capital letters in the correct places. Super effort Freddie!
1HMarcus SchiffnerLeadershipMarcus has demonstrated wonderful leadership in Year 1.  Every week Marcus takes responsibility for helping his classmates log onto the iPads and putting the iPads away, making sure each one is placed in the correct location, all without being asked.  It is so lovely so have such a handy helper and technology guru in the class. Keep it up, Marcus!
1AConnor SarisPerseveranceConnor works very hard during literacy sessions. He has become very good at decoding many words using the sounds that he knows and has shown great perseverance with writing tasks, writing the sounds that he hears in words. Connor loves a challenge in maths and will persist until he has worked out the correct answer. Keep up the fabulous work Connor!
1AJames Murraycuriosity

James shows a natural curiosity for learning. During literacy he will identify rhyming words in a story, recognise our sound of the week in books and around the room and will ask interesting questions related to words he sees, hears or knows. He is making connections to real life with stories he reads. James has an inquisitiveness about all

he learns. Keep up the fabulous work!

1MHugo McVeyLeadershipHugo shows great leadership within the classroom. He is always willing to help others around him without being prompted. Hugo is always keen to take on extra roles of responsibility and complete tasks to help the whole class. He is an organised classmate who we can all rely on. Thank you for your support and leadership in 1M Hugo!
2PIngrid BluntCreativityIngrid has shown wonderful creativity over the last few weeks whilst playing out in the yard. She has put together several little plays and excitedly performed them with her friends to the class
2PJasper SonneveldLove of LearningJasper has shown a love of learning this week! He continues to challenge himself with the tasks he completes. Jasper did a great job tackling some challenging Maths problems. Keep it up! 
2SJonah CarabottA love of learning

Jonah has shown a great love of learning this week! He has really challenged himself by working independently during this assessment period. Jonah did a great job tackling some challenging Maths problems. Keep it up Jonah!

2BArchie AndrewsLove of PartiesArchie participated enthusiastically in all the activities at the Year 2 Pyjama Party. He danced the night away in style and hunted for treasure using leadership skills and determination. Keep up the wonderful work, Archie!
2BEliza GriffithsPerseveranceEliza is to be congratulated for the way she applied herself when writing a recount of her birthday celebration. She added lots of detail and correct punctuation. Eliza persevered when spelling unfamiliar words and continues to work diligently to form her letters correctly.  Wonderful effort Eliza! 
2HAbi DillistoneLove of LearningAbi was incredibly diligent and thoughtful when working in Maths this week. She demonstrated her understanding of what she had learnt and was very positive in her approach. Keep it up Abi!
2HAnika HorobinLove of LearningThis week Anika has been buzzing with every opportunity to learn! In particular, during Science, when she shared her ideas in our lesson about dinosaurs and movement.
3CFlynn BakerKindness 

Flynn is to be commended for demonstrating immense kindness and selflessness in the 3C classroom. This week, Flynn has worked particularly hard by supporting and challenging his peers in both small, and large group environments. We appreciate your support and leadership, Flynn. Congratulations! 

3BSophia CulliverLove of LearningFor her enthusiastic presentation of her News Report topic, ‘Australia’s Neighbouring Countries- Singapore’. Sophia presented her speech in a confident manner. She provided a thoroughly researched and informative talk about the climate, landforms, fauna and flora, and landmarks of Singapore. Congratulations Sophia!
3DLuka OrdacuriosityLuka demonstrated curiosity when learning about information reports this term. He worked diligently to plan, write, edit and publish his report on swimming and included many relevant pictures. He has also extended his skills when using the iPad. Well done Luka, you should be very proud of yourself!
3DByron Bridge PerserverenceByron has been working diligently to plan, write, edit and publish his information report about basketball. He used topic sentences for each paragraph and included relevant pictures to engage his readers. I have been so impressed with the way he has persevered with this task. Well done Byron!
4ZSophie DoyleA Love of LearningIt has been wonderful to hear Sophie contribute to class discussions during our novel study of Wonder. Last week she was able to analyse Via’s behaviour and infer why she was acting a certain way. It is lovely to see your confidence develop each day, keep up the excellent work
4ZGus GadsdenA Love of LearningLast week during writing we were looking at making our writing more engaging and trying to include longer sentences. It was wonderful to see Gus transfer the same structure to his written assessment about travelling to Byron Bay. Gus has also been very diligent when completing his maths assessments and we have seen some incredible results! Keep it up
4ZAbby MarshallA Love of Learning

Abby, we are ‘over the moon’ to have you in our classroom! 

Last week we were learning to interpret poems by understanding idioms. Abby was great at explaining what different idioms meant. She also made a poster for our class explaining the idiom ‘don’t count your chickens before they hatch.’

4LRuby MurrayCuriosityRuby has had a fantastic term so far. She did a terrific job achieving her pen licence and has displayed a terrific work ethic and eagerness to learn throughout. Keep working hard Ruby!
4LNina KloesterA Love of LearningNina has had a terrific term so far, striving to do her best across all areas. She has worked really hard during our work on Fractions and Decimals, showing some fantastic improvement. Brilliant work Nina!
4LStella WadsworthPerserverence Stella has been showing brilliant determination and willingness to improve this term. Her work during our Wonder sessions has been exemplary and she has really enjoyed delving into the deeper meaning of the text and sharing her thoughts. Awesome work Stella!
4L Sia ChandKindnessSia is a joy to have in 4L and she has had a terrific year. She has such a kind and caring nature and has done a great job at being inclusive for everyone. Well done Sia!
5DLuca RayzmanPerserveranceLuca has shown great dedication these past couple of weeks while writing his leadership speech. He has a strong idea of what he wants to be as a leader and is thoroughly going through the process of planning, drafting and editing his speech to present himself the best he possibly can.
5HElliot GibbinsKindness

Elliot is a kind and caring classmate. He is always concerned about other students and is always there when help is required. Well done Elliot!



Sophia Correia Pinto



Sophia has worked very hard all year on every aspect of her work. She has demonstrated quiet dedication and perseverance. Keep up your wonderful enthusiasm and work ethic Sophia!


5HEthan Le PageKindnessEthan’s kind personality is one of his greatest strengths. He is curious and gentle and is always the first to offer help or be concerned about other students. Ethan – you have a gentle and kind nature! 
5HOlivia MitchellKindnessDuring our Dancing classes, Olivia has been very kind to other students. She has shown enthusiasm and inclusiveness by her support and encouragement of other students. Great work Olivia!
5HOlive BryantCreativityOlive shows wonderful creativity in all of her work. We always love to see Olive’s pictures and illustrations and they have her own unique style. Keep it up Olive! 
5TMillie FletcherTeamwork

Millie was a wonderful participant in the FUTSAL Gala Day last Thursday. She demonstrated wonderful sportsmanship and teamwork as she worked with her team to win three out of their four matches. Fantastic work Millie, you’re a superstar! 

5TMeelia HeA Love of Learning

The way in which Meelia goes about her learning is to be commended. Every task she undertakes is performed with precision and care. She always puts in 100% and is a role model to all those around her. Your dedication to your learning is to be admired Meelia. 

6MCaspar ThompsonCuriosty Caspar has been showing curiosity in his FLL sessions , all while showing commitment in all other subjects.
6MAnnalise HendersonCuriosty 

Annalise has been showing curiosity in her FLL sessions all while keeping her standard of work high in other subjects!