Religious Education

Making Jesus Real (MJR) | Transitioning to High School

MJR with Marty | Transitioning to High School


I was privileged recently to take the year 6 students to look at aspects of transitioning into high school. We discussed many things including:

1.   Attitude is everything

2.   High schools are big

3.   There is a need to establish routines 

       eg. diaries, lockers, homework etc

4.   There are new friends just waiting 

       for you

5.   Hang with the eagles (the ones who                fly not the turkeys

6.    You need to set achievable targets

7.    First day impressions (or at the

       orientation) are important

8.    You need to ask questions to clarify

9.    This a new little step in life

10.  There are many misconceptions about high school

11.  Set high standards - behavioural & academic


They had lots of interesting questions and we discussed the bad habit of procrastination. We were able to pinpoint special 'Spirit of Jesus' moments that they have seen around the school and at home. Then we looked through the MJR workbook to find habits that they may need during high school. They have chosen ONE main MJRism that may help them - please ask them what it was and what they got out of Marty's MJR lesson.


Marty Ogle

Making Jesus Real Program