Student Voice

with Kinder student William

Student Name:  William 


Age: 4 nearly 5


Suburb you live in: 

I live with my mum and dad near the school.


What grade are you in? 

I’m in Kinder


Was it scary starting Kinder? 

I wasn't sure about the things to play with.


Best thing about Kinder at JPII? 

When mum and dad come to pick you up to go back home and I like doing jobs and stuff.


What are your favourite things to do at Kinder? 

The toys. I like all the toys and our Grade 6 buddies.


Who is your favourite Kinder teacher at JPII and why? 

I like lots of the teachers. They help me do my jobs and help pack my bag to go home.


What is your unknown hidden talent? 

I’m good at doing great jobs and I play video games and I’m actually good at Wobby Life. I’m good at the ice cream job but my dad finds it hard.


What do you want to be when you grow up? 

When I grow up I’m going to be a great billionaire.


There are new Kinder students coming to school next year.  What would you say that might help them enjoy kinder when they start? 

There’s going to be a big new building at the new school and the builders are nearly finished so that’s pretty cool!


Pictured:  William enjoying 'buddy time' with Grade 6 student Josh and fellow kinder student Theo.