Student News

2023 School Captains and School Vice Captains
In August, after what seemed like a nerve wracking and gruelling process of both a written application and an interview, the new 2023 school captains and vice-school captains were announced: us! Carol Danial and Taha Kamran have the pleasure of representing the school as the 2023 school captains, accompanied by Arya Meshkat Hazrati and Charlize Miranda, the 2023 school-vice captains. Despite our slight fears in tackling these new roles, we were extremely eager and excited to step into these positions as student leaders of Suzanne Cory High School.
Since our appointment into our new positions, we have certainly gotten to work! One example was the success of our 2023 Parent Information Evening, for the new families joining us next year. While Carol got to speak with the new families, presenting a student perspective of moving to Suzanne Cory High School, Charlize coordinated the ambassadors. After we held mock tours for Ambassador training, they all did a brilliant job in providing school tours, showcasing the beauty and wonders of our school. With the amazing assistance of our ambassadors, the event was a success, and it is certain that the new families and students will soon make Suzanne Cory High School their second home.
Furthermore, we have also begun emceeing and speaking at our formal assemblies. These fortnightly events not only assist in relaying important administrative information, but are also an amazing opportunity to recognise and celebrate major student accomplishments, such as in various competitions. Assemblies also allow the student cohorts to be brought together as one.
Recently, we also had our annual leadership workshop for our new 2023 captains. This included workshops held by Ms Nguyen and Ms Pye on how to plan/run assemblies, and what it means to be a leader respectively. Additionally, Supreme Incursions held an incursion that involved building billy carts in small groups, teaching us the importance of teamwork, especially communication and listening skills. On this day, us captains also held workshops; Taha and Arya taught vital public speaking skills whilst Carol and Charlize endorsed the importance of creating and maintaining a positive school culture. Taha and Arya’s workshop involved ‘powerpoint roulette’, where students practised their speaking skills by presenting random powerpoints that they had not seen before. Carol and Charlize’s workshop began with a blindfolded puzzle task, so students could learn the importance of positive encouragement in increasing participation. Overall, the day was an immense success, and all of the school’s captains are ready and excited to lead by example in 2023.
Lastly, we would like to sincerely thank Ms Nguyen and Ms Goodridge-Kelly for their immense support as we settled into our roles.
We are extremely excited to be the school, and vice-school captains of Suzanne Cory High School, and strive to make our school the best it can be.
Carol Danial, Taha Kamran, Charlize Miranda, and Arya Meshkat Hazrati
NaAleez Stationery Drive for Sri Lanka
As you may already know, Sri Lanka has felt the economic effect of the pandemic, more so than many other countries have. Sri Lanka’s economy relies heavily on tourism, therefore, this has had a deep impact on their society, with effects to electricity, water, food and even their school systems. This, coupled with inflation due to the economic crisis, has had a bad impact on school student’s lives. Many students in rural schools are unable to purchase basic school necessities, such as pens, pencils and workbooks.
Due to this, I spent the last few weeks organising a “stationery drive for Sri Lanka”. I placed boxes in all house areas as well as the study centre, for SCHS students and teachers who wanted to donate usable stationery. I wouldn’t have been able to make this event so successful without Ms. Nguyen and our citizenship captains Ruhi and Melissa, who helped promote this drive!
Over 10 days, you all did a great job in donating any usable stationery and school books, and in such a short time period, Suzanne Cory managed to collect a total of 22kg worth of school supplies!
I will be taking all of these school supplies to Sri Lanka, where I will donate them to a rural school in Anuradhapura, that has been struggling due to the economic crisis. Thank you to everyone who participated in this stationery drive.
Shanika Liyanage, K5
Global Issues Club (GIC)
Earlier this term, me and a few friends had the pleasure of attending the GIE (Global Issues Education) Forum at Melbourne High School. For those of you who don’t have the slightest idea what GIE is, it’s a student committee established in MHS that aims to educate students about global issues and raise funds for worthwhile causes.
We enjoyed it, but I felt that the activities they set up were not really reflective of the whole 'global' concept and incentive - this led to me having a discussion with the GIE leadership team, offering them feedback and what I believed they could improve, and the spark they gave me to establish a similar, long-lasting club at my school. After talking to the leaders and asking for their input, I collated a group of people who had attended the GIE forum, made a groupchat, organised a meeting and wrote down a few plans to set up our own 'Global Issues' Club. Contacting Miss Nguyen and the teacher we'd wish to be in charge, my friend Andrea and I, organised the basics of what we'd like our club to look like, and have been in the progress of designing logos, posters, introductory slides etc for the club.
One of the first activities we are planning to organise next year is a 'Donation Drive' where students donate any unwanted clothing, perishable items etc which we plan to donate to newly arrived refugees in Melbourne through our partnership with the West Welcome Wagon.
We hope to grow our club and our initiatives within the school community, and truly work to establish global citizenship.
If this sounds like stuff you’re interested in, come down to G8 on Tuesdays to be a part of a group of students with a passion for creating change in our community!
Amira Mahmoud, R7
On behalf of GIC
Health and PE Update
The Physical Education program at Suzanne Cory High School includes encouraging students to take part in any activities they are interested in, alongside traditional sports. The students in Years 9 -11 are introduced to recreational options including Ten Pin Bowling and Inflatable World as part of the curriculum. The students enjoy going offside for these activities and spending time being active whilst having fun! Well done to all students on representing the school so well during these excursions.
Adele Collins - Health and PE Teacher
HTAV History Enrichment Program
On the 20th of October, Sargun, Joann and Ojas from Year 10 were invited to participate in the History Enrichment Program held at the State Library of Victoria. The program was designed to be intellectually stimulating and engaging, challenging us to think critically and employ valuable analysis skills. It was also a wonderful opportunity to meet other students who shared a passion for history and learn from them - the special interests of the attendees were diverse and fascinating, encompassing everything from the geography of Mesopotamia to 1960s fashion.
My peers and I were exposed to so many unique and valuable viewpoints on historical events, and the day itself was an amazing experience. We listened to speeches on the importance of history and did some icebreaker activities before being taken on a wonderful tour of the State Library. After a short break, we heard from an array of keynote speakers who led us in a number of interactive activities.
At the end of the day, we were given the opportunity to participate in a ‘Passion Project’ which involved investigating a historical area of interest and presenting our findings through a creative medium.
Overall, the history enrichment program was an incredible experience which deepened my love for history, and I cannot wait to extend and enrich my newfound skills and knowledge in the years to come.
Joann M. J., K1
Cory Chronicles
This year, the two of us decided to start the Cory Chronicles. What is it you may ask? An interactive and fun monthly newsletter for students, by students.
With the support of the wonderful Ms Nguyen and Ms Goodridge-Kelly, we were able to get our club off the ground. So far, we have been able to publish 2 issues with a focus on entertaining, light and upbeat topics. Essentially our goal was to create something that the school community can look forward to monthly.
This club wouldn’t have been possible without our wonderful 2022 team of writers (Harguan Kaur, Mahnoor Asif, Ajayadithya Karuppiah, Siya Singh, Joann Manoj Jacob, Keerthana Karthik, Hania Rizvi, Likitha Kujala and Leyna Ha), our photographers (Siddharth Anand, Sarah Ghumman) and our design team (Sudeepthi Hariharasudhan, Zaeena Dimog, Krithya Chandrasekar, Nicole Ngyuen, Vishesh Manik and Manasvi Vasamsetti)!
After having our first meeting in August, we are overjoyed to see the progress we have made. This club allowed us to meet a lot of new people and also helped us establish our own identities. We hope for Cory Chronicles to be an ongoing part of our legacy, well after we graduate and we hope to provide the school community with many more issues.
For students interested, sign ups for the 2023 Cory Chronicles team will open up early Term 1, so look out for a post from us on Compass!
Thank you all for your continued support, whether it be excitedly reading our issues each month, actively contributing through student interviews or being a club member.
Signing off,
Krish Jayaprabhakaran (R6) and Zahara Nazir (R3)
Remembrance Day - poppy fundraiser
Friday the 11th of November was remembrance day, marking the end of the First world war. To commemorate the services made by those who fought for us, as citizenship captains, we were honoured to recognise their sacrifices by organising and raising money for the Returned Service League, through selling poppies, the symbol of remembrance.
We would like to thank all those involved in the event including the initiatives captains, artists and staff all of whom pulled through to make this event as successful as possible.
Additionally, we would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who purchased the poppies or simply donated for the cause. By donating to the RSL (The Returned Services League of Australia) everyone not only raised awareness for this significant date, but also contributed to an added support for veterans and their families in our community and as such your donations were all greatly appreciated.
We raised $95.60
Melissa and Ruhi,
2023 citizenship captains <3
Inside | Outside Arts Exchange Project
In 2022 year 9 students were invited to participate in an ongoing arts based research project facilitated through the University of Melbourne Graduate School of Education (MGSE) known as Inside | Outside. Inside | Outside is key part of C+AARP (Child + Adult Art Response Project), coordinated by Dr Marnee Watkins & Dr Kathryn Coleman.
C+AARP is an ongoing investigation into the ways young people make and respond to artworks. At it’s core it positions young people as creative individuals on equal footing and of equal creative integrity to the practicing adult Artists who are invited to participate.
In previous years C+AARP has focused on students from primary schools in Melbourne, but 2022 is the first time that it has involved Secondary Students. Year 9 students from SCHS were invited to participate, with 13 choosing to participate the project.
Participating SCHS students were Namira Aziz; Aleena Basharat; Selina Choo; Emma Flower; Bavachan “BC” GV; Peony Ho; Julian Listiawan; Shanika Liyange; Zara Matyana; Rishit Migliani; Bea Payla; Aleeza Shaikh & Leo Wang
In this iteration of the project the partner artists are from the I Found U collective, a group of artists based in Cambridge, Madrid & New York who are led by Dr Nigel Meager (King's College, Cambridge University).
Project participants were provided with an sonic provocation asking them to consider the terms "Inside; Outside" in various contexts and interpretations, then produce a 3min film/video exploring the concept. This is then shared solely with their assigned artistic partner, who then selects 2 stills from that video to use as a prompt to develop an artwork.
Students at SCHS were provided access to materials and space in T Wing to make their work, and technical assistance to execute their ideas / creative vision.
Their work is currently on display in the ADT Showcase, and will be exhibited at the Melbourne UNESCO Arts Education Observatory, studioFive, MGSE early in 2023.
Jack Whitmore; Art / Visual Communication Design teacher
HFL Rock climbing Reflection
One hand in front of the other, sweat threatening to seep through your palm and loosen your grip. Feet equally unsteady - toes balanced precariously on the edge of a chip of some artificial material before a trembling arm is extended, fingers prying for whatever crudely-shaped ‘rock’ there is above. Looking straight ahead, if not up. And not looking down, no matter what. Or at least that’s what it was like for the less experienced of us when our health class went rock-climbing at Cliffhanger Climbing Gym for our practical session, desperately hoisting ourselves upwards, too often our fingers slipping and sending us swinging to and fro on the harness manned by a - hopefully - trusty climbing partner below. There were, of course, those of us who scaled the sloping walls prodigiously, navigating the protruding rocks and locating the crevices to skillfully make the best use of them, but it was a first-time (or second-time) activity for many people, who I am proud to say faced the challenge with eagerness. There wasn’t any competitive necessity throughout the session, making the experience nothing of an ordeal, but rather, a chance to have a go at something you may not have ever tried before or done for a long time (although, if you did want to race your friends to the top, you could, by all means, go ahead). Overall, it was a fun, engaging experience as well as an appreciated tribute to health through physical activity.
Ananya Singh
Year 10 Student
Table Tennis Club Update
Thank you for a great year! Table Tennis is a new club that I initiated this year and it’s amazing to see many students keen to play, socialise and have fun. For those who may not know about the club, Table Tennis Club runs everyone Monday lunchtime in the Gym and all students are welcome to join.
Over this year, as a club, we have fostered an inclusive environment for students at Suzanne Cory High School, in which they can have fun, be physically and socially active during their lunchtime and learn a new skill.
We are planning on a few things next year, so things to look forward to next year:
- More new equipment (bats, balls, and potentially more tables if the program continues to grow!)
- Leadership roles within the club
- Inter-school table tennis competitions
- And the most exciting of all: competitions at school throughout the year - so start practising those ping pong skills for the real competition! :)
And of course, thanks to Ms Guastella who helps with supervising us and organising equipment!
Thanks for a great year and we hope to see you next year!
Aanchal Sharma R8
Student Leadership Day
On November 17th, the 2023 student leaders took part in a leadership day where they got to know their new teams, learned new leadership skills and planned for 2023. With 56 student leaders involved, this was a jam packed day with lots of fun and laughs as students built connections amongst their teams. As part of the day, students took part in a billy cart competition, working together to build and race (hopefully functional) billy carts around the gym. Thank you to Supreme Incursions for running such an engaging and interactive team building exercise. The students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and learned a lot about team dynamics.
Thank you also to the House Engagement Coordinators (Mr Joel Moden, Mr Elliot Kelly, Mr Geoff Duckworth and Ms Lisa Guastella) for their work with their house teams in preparation for the 2023 year. Thank you also to our Assistant Principals, Mr Travis Hand and Ms Kimberley Pye, for their workshop around what it means to be a leader. Finally, a big thank you to our School Captains (Carol Danial and Taha Kamran) and School Vice Captains (Charlize Miranda and Arya Meshkat Hazrati) who lead the groups through workshops on positive interactions and public speaking skills. This leadership day would not have been possible without all of your contributions and the 2023 leadership team are raring to go for the year ahead.
Dolly Nguyen
Director of Engagement: Student Voice and Agency
Building the Berlin Wall!
Being back on site and teaching face-to-face classes has allowed us to return to engaging activities bringing to life historical events and building historical empathy. The Year 12 Ancient History students enjoyed recreating the first Persian invasion of Greece (a.k.a. the Battle of Marathon, 490 BCE) on the ‘beach’ by the Euboean Gulf (that would be the swale), including the famous inspirational speech of the strategos Miltiades, and the Roman disaster at the Caudine Forks in 321 BCE when the Roman army was trapped in the mountains (otherwise known as the concrete barriers flanking the outside area by the Agora), and held patron and client led elections in the Roman Forum (that would be the Agora itself).
Similarly, the Year 10 Big Power Rivalry class recently experienced the fateful night of August 13th, 1961, when the Berlin Wall went up overnight. Following 1961 maps of the Berlin subway system, the students used colored team bands borrowed from the gym to recreate the subway lines. As night fell and the local Communist big wigs met on the sidelines to plan, our Soviet army students quietly surrounded the city in their tanks. Our workers union students rapidly began to lay out the wall with (imaginary) barbed wire on the border of eastern Berlin. Our party girls who had been out in East Berlin tried to take the subway home but were stopped at the wall by the workers, who kindly decided to let them return home to West Berlin on foot and helped them through the barbed wire (their father, however, was very angry and disbelieving when they didn’t get home until 6am). Student families separated by the new wall reached out to try to communicate before being pulled apart permanently as a new wall of concrete began to spring up. We hope the students were able to gain a sense of the suddenness and in depth planning behind the building of the Berlin Wall, the political motivations behind it and the vast human implications of this powerful symbol of the Cold War.
Ms Raquel Fenby
SCHS History Teacher
The below poem was beautifully and eloquently written in French by Jasmine Dyson. French teacher Magali Bourkel has kindly translated it into English for you all to enjoy.
Something Strange Tonight (translation)
By Jasmine Dyson
Suddenly, I look in the mirror
and realise something strange, tonight.
I’m not tall anymore, nor big.
Suddenly, I am as small as a brush.
I try to walk, on my bed,
then my mother is here,
she is very surprised.
“Where is Jasmine?” she asks, now
“Help me, please” I scream.
But she only hears the mouse’s voice.
I think in English: ‘There is no hope for me!’
I climb the mountain, or maybe it is her leg,
I feel the heater and I think I am on fire.
Is it my new magic mirror?
I don’t know but it is not fantastic.
Today is Monday and I must go to school,
my friends will be scared, or maybe they will think it is funny.
I reach her hand as I’ve had enough of this spell.
I yell as loud as I can: ‘Mum! Hello!’
Then I catch a terrible sight,
I would like to be invincible.
Two eyes see me, huge and scary.
A fly is in front of me, the opposite of attractive.
Without notice, I fall backwards.
I think again, in English: ‘This must be a curse’.
The wind in my hair, I hope I will not die.
I cannot believe it! So I begin to think.
Then I bump into the mirror,
and suddenly I realise,
something strange tonight.
Year 10 Science - Crazy Contraptions.
This task requires the students to build a complex, multi-step contraption to achieve a task which, honestly, could have been achieved in a much simpler way. Such a machine is known as a Rube Goldberg machine, after a famous cartoonist who would devise such apparatuses. It requires engineering and design skills, and the students then do an analysis of the physics of their machine.
Literature Club Poetry Competition
The club is proud to announce the winners of their Poetry Competition! It was a very difficult decision to select the winners as all entries were of outstanding prose, with many poems creatively expressing the theme of 'time' in very unique ways.
The winners are:
1. Forever by Likitha Kujala K3
2. Another Spring Without You by Ryan Lay K1
3. A Letter To Myself Many Seasons Ago by Sridivya Tekumalla C4
Honourable mentions to:
- Time's Over by Aleena Kayani B8
- The Journey of A Maple Seed by Vishesh Manik C4