Foundation News

What a great Term 2!

How 10 weeks just fly! What a great term we've had developing so many skills from social development to academic progress and within the personalities of our little Foundies!  Thanks for all your support with staying organised, on the ball, up-to-date and keeping me in the loop with how your child is doing.  Aside from the winter germs we've had some great experiences. 

Read below some of our comments about Term 2.


Logan - "I love learning my words!"

Elyse - "I love learning about keeping fit (this was a big book we used for literacy).

Kai - " I love learning with the big buddies."

Aananya - "I just love to learn!"

Ellery - "I love learning about mental maths.  It makes me happy!"

James - "I love learning about mental maths strategies."

Luke - "I love learning my numbers quickly like in mental maths."

Jagger - "The best learning I did was when I drew pictures from when I was a baby" (our history lessons).

Callum - "I like to learn odd and even numbers in Maths."

Noah - " In Maths I like guessing the numbers and in Science I like learning about different things."

Eva - "I like doing mental maths and learning different ways to add numbers together rather than using pictures."

Will - "I like learning about odd and even numbers in Maths."

Connor - "I loved learning odd and even numbers in Maths."

Jordan - "I like working with my buddy and making stuff."

Friendly Reminders

Please take a look at our uniform policy and review what is acceptable for winter and what is not included in our policy.  We take pride in what our students wear and thank you for your understanding. Check us out!


PLEASE make sure you have brought in a white t-shirt for your child! I will be sending these off to the printers next Thursday in preparation for our 100th day of School on August the 2nd. 

Friday 21st - Jump Disco 6pm to 7.15pm

Tuesday 25th June - Parent Teacher Meetings - please book through Sentral

Friday 28th June - Mrs George's last day - community afternoon tea 1.10pm to 1.50pm in the Senior Building.

Monday 15th July - PUPIL FREE DAY

Happy Holidays!

Wishing you a warm and relaxing winter break with loved ones.  Please look after each other and enjoy the downtime.  If you're going away... I hope it's somewhere warm!  Look forward to seeing you on TUESDAY 16th July for another 10 weeks of teaching and learning!

Blair & Kylie xx