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Positive Behaviour Support

Your feedback

Next week during Parent Teacher Interviews we will be asking you fill out a super short (4 questions) survey to gather some feedback regarding our PBS approach at KPS.  We value your input and look forward to collecting the results. 

Strategies students can use

The last few weeks students have been working on strategies they can use at school to help them work through different situations.  These strategies have been explicitly taught and they are

- To use an "I" statement eg: "I don't like it when you say I can't play."

- To breathe first before they speak words or react physically.  Breathing can help to settle emotions and bring the situation into more perspective.

- Help students to find their words.  Students have worked through what they may typically say when they feel annoyed or frustrated eg: "He/she cut in front of me!" and to give them words to try and use such as "I feel annoyed when you cut in front of me, please find a different spot."  Here we are encouraging students to use respectful language and resolve conflict with their peers independently. 

- Resolve it quickly.  This can be done when disagreeing on a game or who was tagged 'it' or who should start first.  Games such as Rock, Paper, Scissors is a great one that all of our students are familiar with.  Another one is to flip a coin (provided they have a coin on them).  Maybe this can be done at home when siblings are finding it hard to agree on whose turn it is to set the table! 

Check out our posters! Each class will have them on display.