Parents & Friends

Year 7 Welcoming

Welcome to all our Beda families from your 2020 P & F .

The start of this term has seen a great turn out for our tea and tissues for Year 7 parents.

This led into our AGM . We thank all who have retired from 2019 and to our new committee. 


On Wednesday 12 February the P&F held their AGM and first committee meeting for the year.

We wish to give a special thank you to all our outgoing committee members. Many of these parents have son's that have finished Year 12 and have left  the school.


In addition to our elected P&F committee members, we have our P&F Volunteer's who are made up of parents who spare an hour or two to help with our events over the year.  All Parents are welcome to any of our meetings and can volunteer at any time for any event. Its a great opportunity to get to know other parents and be involved in the school community. 


Our next meeting P&F will be held on Wednesday 11 March at 7:30 pm.


For more information Email  us at

Movie Club

Recently saw the great film Emma and our Bookclub caught up on novel 'The Honey Thief' with supper and a chat.


Finally, the P & F supports the MAD day efforts from our boys for the De La Schools overseas who desperately NEED our full support- please give on the 20/3 and at any of our P & F raffles in 2020 to ensure the Beda spirit reaches these children to give them opportunities we take for granted here.

Term End

As the term comes to an end , we have our Year 7 parent social on Friday 13 March.

Bookings close soon so don’t miss out!