The Leader In Me


Leadership Facilitator

Our Junior School Leaders are embracing their Remote Learning experiences with maturity, a growth mindset, and a healthy dose of humour and heart.


Here they share with you some inspirational quotes they have connected with during this time, or some advice of their own. 


Evangels Fabiatos  - Junior School Leader

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started."





Elly Alexopoulos  - Junior School Leader

I'm being proactive by making an effort to go to sleep at 8 o’clock on school nights. This enables me to get up early and focus better during school hours.


The quote that inspires me is “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.” -  Vivian Green


My understanding is that we need to get on with life, regardless of the challenges we face with Covid-19. We can be creative and find joy in life, continue our education, strive to achieve our best and make every day count.





Adam Dimakakos – Deputy School Leader

To be proactive in class you should get all other distractions off your desk, and put “First things First” by not playing during classes.


Constantina Lekkas - Deputy School Leader

“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts." - Eleanor Roosevelt



Thomas Priftis  - Social Justice Leader

I believe that we can apply Habit 1 and Habit 8 in our quarantine days in many ways. Habit 1 means to be proactive, which means to take charge and be responsible. You can take charge by remembering to social distance and by reminding your peers to do the same, and by staying home and making sure other people don’t visit your house. For Habit 8, you can stand up for what you believe in and voice your opinion. You can do this by saying how you can help other people to stay safe, how they can avoid getting sick and talking about social distancing.


Johnathan Moshoulis  - Bradman House Leader


Keeping active around the house:



  • Kicking a soccer ball
  • Mini circuit training (using witches hats or other items, then running around them.)
  • Jumping (trampoling)
  • Skipping
  • Riding a bike
  • Using parents gym equipment under their supervision

How I unwind after a day of Remote Learning:

  • Log off and pack up my work area, this helps me to switch off
  •  Sit down with my family and enjoy the night by watching a movie, playing a board game or talking about how our day was
  • Calling/"FaceTiming" grandparents, cousins and friends to see if they are okay
  • Playing with siblings

Guneet Ahuja Kaur – Fraser House Leader

“Every day is another chance to get stronger, to eat better, to live healthier and to be the best version of yourself.”



Rafaella Kopanidi  - Faith Leader

During times like this it is very important that we all continue to stay connected with each other, as it’s important for our wellbeing. You can talk on "FaceTime" to your friends or family. What l like to do with my own friends is post mail to each other, so we can stay connected. You can also write emails to each other. It’s a lot fun because it can make you feel like you’re at school and laughing with each other.