The Arrowsmith Program


Head of the Arrowsmith Program


Students and staff in the Arrowsmith program began ‘at-home’ learning on the 23rd of March. This first week of learning at home was a challenge for all concerned but we were very pleased with our students’ dedication and commitment. 


After the Easter break remote learning resumed, and for the first time, the Arrowsmith program was fully accessible from home. Students are now able to log-in at home and access their cognitive exercises. Teachers are able to monitor student performance via their Samsung Tablets, which link to each student’s activities. Teachers can also contact students via Microsoft Teams to discuss their progress and conduct exercises such as L Think, phrases and predicative speech.


Microsoft Teams allows students and staff to speak with each other directly. This helps students stay connected and motivated during this time. In some instances, students have been using Teams to show their pets to other students, share jokes and discuss their work with each other. It has been an important component of the learning from home.


A big thank you to all the parents for setting up the students to work from home. This is a difficult time for you as you juggle work, home-life and schooling all at once. The Arrowsmith staff are grateful for your support and co-operation.