Maths & Numeracy

Backyard Design Assignment

Year 7 students designed a virtual garden using an online interactive garden design program. They were required to keep a budget of each item they incorporated into their design. The next task was to scale up their virtual garden to create a model. Students had six required items, however every other aspect of their design was up to them. The task allowed students to use their measurement skills taught in class and apply it to a real life situation.


“I had heaps of fun, although I had a few struggles such as the fence, trees and the pond. I was pretty surprised that I got a 100% on it with a few students because I wasn’t even expecting it, but my hard work paid off. It was such a magnificent experience to have.” 

Eryl Diesta 7A


“I think it was a good opportunity to be able to add some creative aspects to challenge us. It was an amazing task being able to decorate it and add our own different features.”

Brooke Michaliades 7B


“I really enjoyed making this because it can showoff what I can do”

Tyson 7A