Significant Persons Project

In Year 8, during Term 1, students take part in the Significant Persons Project. A cross-curricular initiative between English and the Arts, where students are asked to identify a person who plays a special part in their lives and use them as a stimuli for a piece of writing, a performance or a piece of art.


As of this week, students have interviewed their significant person and should be in the process of planning, drafting and seeking feedback.


Students will be asked to invite their significant person to an afternoon tea in May, as a celebration and an opportunity for them to share their work.

Cross Age Tutoring

Cross Age Tutoring continues this year for both English and Maths.


Year 10 and 11 students are available on a Monday from 3. 00 pm to 3.45 pm in the VCE Study Hall to help with homework, assessments and reading.


Please feel free to contact either myself (Jess Timmers) or Liz Rundell (Head of Mathematics) or your students English or Maths teacher if you have any questions.

VCE SACs Complete

Congratulations to our VCE English, Literature and English Language students on completing your first SAC of the year.


Make sure you take on board the feedback you receive and find time to ask your teacher to clarify anything of which you feel unsure.


Keep up the hard work!


Jessica Timmers

Head of English